Indie Publishing

Working Notes – The Book That Wouldn’t Be Short

It’s only now I’ve recalled a pithy little line I included in the special features for The Royal Talisman: “I have also been accused of an inability to write anything short to save my life.” Good thing a hanging didn’t depend on the turn of that phrase.  Because I blithely included in the description for […]

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Working Notes – Backstage Pass

Last time around, for working notes, I had skipped over two books, and had to back track. This time, I don’t have a book to talk about at all, because of another phenomenon of the indie publishing industry:  doing it yourself means actually doing it all yourself.  Everything.  The formatting, uploading, releasing, technical un-hitching, acquiring

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I just released Lucifer’s Lover on All Romance eBooks, and on Amazon, and over the next few days will be formatting and uploading to the other distributors — Smashwords, Createspace (print).  So it’s official, Lucifer’s Lover is published. This may come as a surprise to you because I didn’t really given anyone a heads up

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BLOOD KNOT Nominated Paranormal Romance Of The Year (CAPA Awards)

Mark was the one that pointed the nomination out to me, which is staggering, under the circumstances.  He noticed one of his contacts on Facebook talk about missing out on a CAPA nomination this year.  He remembered that the CAPAs are a big deal in the romance world, and flipped over to The Romance Studio’s

BLOOD KNOT Nominated Paranormal Romance Of The Year (CAPA Awards) Read More »

About The Industry – Be The Monkey

Actually, if you know what choosing to be the monkey really means, you’d recoil.  But it’s a diverting title for a book that is really a long conversation between two big names in publishing.  One, Barry Eisler, is a New York Times Bestselling writer who has turned his back on the legacy publishing model and

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New Cover for My Erotic MMF Urban Fantasy Time Travel Romance, BANNOCKBURN BINDING

Time is theirs to keep. But it comes with a price. Out any day now. (Just as soon as I get the book formatted, basically.) What do you think? Book’s page. In the early 23rd Century, vampires learned how to travel back in time, and created a time-tsunami that threated life as we know it,

New Cover for My Erotic MMF Urban Fantasy Time Travel Romance, BANNOCKBURN BINDING Read More »

Sherrod Story to Guest Here, Friday December 16th

Sherrod Story will be joining me for an interview/guest post on December 16.  She is a fascinating indie author who writes erotic romances of the interracial contemporary kind, and they have a distinct twist of their own — a reflection of their author.  Sherrod’s blog is absorbing reading all of its own, so I’m really

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BLOOD KNOT Nominated Best Erotic Paranormal Romance 2011

My erotic urban fantasy MMF romance, Blood Knot, has been nominated for vampire book of the year by the reviewers at The Romance Reviews. Now the voting begins.  Yes, I’m trawling for votes — as this is a “book of the year” vote rather than a book of the week, or weekend or month, or

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A Toolkit And Compass for Romanceland – Part 1

A Toolkit And Compass for Romanceland Because All The Roads Are Being Re-Built (Maybe) Romanceland Meltdown This is Part 1 of a series: Part 1: Romanceland Meltdown Part 2: Finding Books – Part 1 Part 3: Finding Books – Part 2 Part 4: Assessing Books Part 5: Contributing To Word-of-Mouth (Series based upon a guest

A Toolkit And Compass for Romanceland – Part 1 Read More »

Additional Books Off the Shelf For Now

A quick follow-up to my announcement the other day about book title rights that have been returned to me, and therefore won’t be available for sale — just for a short while! — while I repackage and beef them up and put them back out there. Several other books have been returned to me and

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