All My Books in Alphabetical Order

– 0-9 –


– A –

Abduction of Guenivere

A Dangerous Man 

Adelaide Becket’s Adventures

A Family Affair 

Amor Meus

Ashes of Pride

– B –

Battle of Mount Badon

Bannockburn Binding

Beauty’s Beasts

 Beloved Bloody Time Series Boxed Set

Beth’s Acceptance

Betting With Lucifer

Black Heart

Blood Ascendant

Blood Drive

Blood Knot

Blood Revealed

Blood Stone

Blood Unleashed

Blue Knight

Born of No Man

The Branded Rose Prophecy

The Broadcloth Midnight

Broken Promise

Burying His Ghost of Christmas Past

Byzantine Heartbreak

– C –

Cancer Curated

Carson’s Night

Case of the Reluctant Agent

Casualties of War

Cat and Company

 Celtic Crossing

Chronicles of the Lost Years

 Contemporary Romance Collection

Cora’s Secret

Crossroads Magic

– D –

Dare to Return

Dangerous Beauty

Dead Again

Dead Double

Degree of Solitude

Delly’s Last Night

Destiny’s Trinities

Diana by the Moon

Downfall of Cornwall

Dragon Kin

– E –

The Endurance Box One

The Endurance Box Two


Eva’s Last Dance

Eyes of a Stranger

– F –

Faring Soul

 Fatal Wild Child

The First Trinity

Flesh + Blood


Four Awesome Threesomes

Freedom Fighters

– G –

Greyson’s Doom

– H –

Harvest of Holidays

Heart of Vengeance

Heart Strike

Hearts of Stone

Her Rebellious Prince

High King of Britain

His Outrageous Proposal

His Parisian Mistress

Hostage Crisis

Hunting The Kobra

– I –

Inconvenient Lover, An

Indecent Agent, The

Inside Man

Interspace Origins

– J –

 Junkyard Heroes 

– K –

Kiss Across Blades

Kiss Across Chains

Kiss Across Chaos

Kiss Across Deserts

Kiss Across Kingdoms

Kiss Across Seas

Kiss Across Swords

Kiss Across Time

Kiss Across Time Box One

Kiss Across Time Box Two

Kiss Across Time Notebook

Kiss Across Tomorrow

Kiss Across The Universe

Kiss Across Worlds

– L –

The Lavender Semaphore

Law of Attraction

Lucifer’s Lover

– M –

Marriage of Lies

Mask of Nobility

Masquerade’s Mate

 Mia’s Return


Mongrels United

More Time Kissed Moments

– N –

Ningaloo Nights

– O –

Octavia’s War

Once and Future Hearts Box One

Once and Future Hearts Box Two

Once and Future Hearts Box Three

– P –

Pay The Ferryman

Pendragon Rises

Perilous Princess

Prisoner of War

Productive Indie Fiction Writer, The

Promissory Note

– Q –

Quiver and Crave

 Queen of Hearts

– R –

Reading Order Perpetual

Red Leopard

The Requisite Courage

Risk of Ruin

Romani Armada

Rose of Ebony

The Rosewater Debutante

The Royal Talisman

Rules of Engagement

– S –

Sabrina’s Clan

Salinghall Error, The

Samhain Crossing

Scandalous Scions One

Scandalous Scions Two

Scandalous Scions Three

SciFi July Fever Fun

Season of Denial

Second Trinity, The

Sera’s Gift

Sherlock Boxed In

Silent Knight

Skinwalker’s Bane

Solstice Surrender

Soul of Sin

Southampton Swindle

Spartan Resistance

– T –

Terra’s Victory

Terror Stash

Their Foreign Affair

Thief in the Night

Three Taps, Then…

Thrilling Affair

Time and Remembrance

Time and Tyra Again

Time Kissed Moments

Touched by Maen Llia

– U –


Unaccompanied Widow, The

– V –


Valor of Love

Varkan Rise


Veil of Honor

Vengeance of Arthur

Viennese Agreement

Vistaria Affair, The

Vistaria Has Fallen

Vivian’s Return

– W –


War Duke of Britain

The Well of Rnomath

White Dawn

Worlds of Wonder

– X –


– Y –

Year of Folly

Yesterday’s Legacy

– Z –

Zoe’s Blockade

Also check out Reading Order Perpetualwith all lists and all books up to the end of 2017 compiled into one volume.

Printable Checklist.

Download and print a checklist of all my books. Checklist is here.

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