Time Travel

More FREE Goodness…And Sherlock Again.

The last of my Christmas goodies is being given away free tomorrow and Sunday.  Bannockburn Binding, the first book in my sexy time travel vampire romance series, Beloved Bloody Time, will be freely available for download at Amazon throughout the weekend. If you already have a copy, pass this post on to any friends or […]

More FREE Goodness…And Sherlock Again. Read More »

Working Notes – November 5, 2012

Oh, I’ve been dying to tell you this. I’ve finally broken ground on the third Beloved Bloody Time novel. It’s not like I’ve been sitting around idle all this time.  I’ve been busy.  Very busy, and on the novel, too.  And the series. 1)  I finished up plotting the whole series in broad strokes.  At

Working Notes – November 5, 2012 Read More »

BANNOCKBURN BINDING Free at Amazon, Friday to Sunday

My time travel vampire romance, Bannockburn Binding, will be free at Amazon for the next three days. This is the first book in the Beloved Bloody Time series.  It was nominated for Book of the Year by The Romance Reviews, and gathered some pretty impressive reviews along the way, including the most recent one by

BANNOCKBURN BINDING Free at Amazon, Friday to Sunday Read More »

My Life/Working Notes – October 22, 2012

News!  And it’s all over the place this week, too. First up, I’m now doing a weekly post over at Get Lusty for Couples, for all things that fall into the area where sex and fiction collide.  Think fantasies, pornography, erotica, on-line and text-based sex (I met my husband on-line, so I guess I’m a

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I’m at Berengaria Brown’s place today.

I’m at erotic romance writer Berengaria Brown’s blog for an encore guest post today, in the continuing blog tour for my vampire romance series and book, Blood Stone. Today’s topic is why I hate vampires…sometimes. I’ll also be giving away a copy of Byzantine Heartbreak, the second book in the vampire time travel series, Beloved

I’m at Berengaria Brown’s place today. Read More »

Giveaway Hop Winner

The winner of the copy of Bannockburn Binding – drawn by random number generator — was Ashley.  Congratulations!  She received a PDF copy of the book. Thank you to everyone who entered.  It was fun chatting with some of you. There’s still a chance to win more goodies and prizes as the birthday party celebrations

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Working Notes – What’s Up Round Up: In The Mail, Too.

As I’m quietly and steadily working my way through Blood Stone, and the weekend started out with an empty email in-tray, and nothing moving on Facebook or anywhere else, I thought this was going to be one of those bulletins where I would have nothing to report, except for progress. But Sunday, which is usually

Working Notes – What’s Up Round Up: In The Mail, Too. Read More »

Book Tour as Articles – Bannockburn Binding Blog Tour Comes Back Home

The book tour for Bannockburn Binding has finished, and all the posts have been loaded up on the site as articles, for your reading pleasure.  I’ve also linked them to the Beloved Bloody Time series page, and each of the books, if appropriate. Would You Wait Six Years For A Kiss? Why Time Travel Romances

Book Tour as Articles – Bannockburn Binding Blog Tour Comes Back Home Read More »

Working Notes – February 28 – Another Leap Frog

A few weeks ago I was bellyaching about how I had produced books so fast that I had missed out on updating you on two books, between working note installments.  Poor me, life is a bitch, huh? Guess what?  Done it again.  Well, sort of.  🙂 Last working notes, I got to roll in ecstasy

Working Notes – February 28 – Another Leap Frog Read More »

BYZANTINE HEARTBREAK is out (at last!)

I feel like I’ve been writing this book forever, but in actual fact, I started straight after I launched Lucifer’s Lover, which was …wow, only January 15, 2012. Considering Byzantine Heartbreak is a whopping 100,000 words, and 368 pages in the print version (the spine calculated out at .918″ thick!) that’s — actually, it’s shocking

BYZANTINE HEARTBREAK is out (at last!) Read More »

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