The Case of the Reluctant Agent

More FREE Goodness…And Sherlock Again.

The last of my Christmas goodies is being given away free tomorrow and Sunday.  Bannockburn Binding, the first book in my sexy time travel vampire romance series, Beloved Bloody Time, will be freely available for download at Amazon throughout the weekend. If you already have a copy, pass this post on to any friends or […]

More FREE Goodness…And Sherlock Again. Read More »

New Covers for my Sherlock Holmes books – Wow!

With the imminent launch of the first book in my Sherlock Holmes series, Chronicles of the Lost Years, Dar Albert has completed the new covers for the two books in the series and they’re fantastic. They pay homage to my current favourite TV Sherlock Holmes, the BBC’s Sherlock played by Benedict Cumberbatch, while still maintaining

New Covers for my Sherlock Holmes books – Wow! Read More »

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