Housekeeping Note

Working Notes – December 19, 2012

I’ve been madly Christmas shopping, orchestrating free promotions for you for the holiday season, and producing books – blog posts sort of fell off the horizon for a bit.  Oops. I hope you all enjoyed the series of three free books over the last three weekends? Two of them were repeats: Blood Knot and Bannockburn […]

Working Notes – December 19, 2012 Read More »

Sherlock Holmes and Free Paranormal for the Weekend.

We’ve all seen Sherlock Holmes on television and the big screen clashing with Moriarty and solving apparently unsolvable problems in Victorian London, and now the twenty-first century. Sir Arthur Conan Doyle, though, did cast an unstoppable problem for Holmes – he called it “The Final Problem” and in the original story, both Moriarty and Holmes

Sherlock Holmes and Free Paranormal for the Weekend. Read More »

I’m giving away BLOOD KNOT again. It’s going to be a bonanza weekend…

The first book in the Blood Stone vampire romance series, Blood Knot, I’ll be dropping down to $0.00 for Saturday and Sunday only. If you missed out last time I offerred Blood Knot for free, this is your next and last chance. When I put the book for free the first time, it hit the

I’m giving away BLOOD KNOT again. It’s going to be a bonanza weekend… Read More »

My Book Series

The series and trilogies page where I’ve listed all my paranormals, urban fantasies, romantic suspense, etc., and grouped them into their proper series…well, I’ve just done a massive reorganization, which includes adding future titles and series. Also, I’ve updated the New Releases page to include the projects I’m intended to work upon next.  There’s a

My Book Series Read More »

I’m Back!

I’ve done a few “I’m back!” posts over the years.  This one has a particularly nice taste to it.  I thought I was going to lose my site. After running it for ten years plus, I like blogging and putting stuff out there.  Then my domain host, who will remain nameless, decided not to notify

I’m Back! Read More »

Recommended MMF Romances List Updated.

I’ve tweaked the layout and added more titles to the still growing list of recommended MMF romances. This will be an on-going project, of course.  There’s new titles hitting the shelves every day — probably more than ever now, thanks to Fifty Shades of Grey.  And no, I’m not being facetious.  If you’d like to

Recommended MMF Romances List Updated. Read More »


Just a quick note to let you know that my latest release, the contemporary romance  An Inconvenient Lover, is out in paperback at Amazon. I had to mention it because a) the cover is just so stunning (thank you, Dar Albert!), and it looks even better in the print edition, and b) this is a

AN INCONVENIENT LOVER – Out in Paperback Read More »

Working Notes – What’s Up Round Up: In The Mail, Too.

As I’m quietly and steadily working my way through Blood Stone, and the weekend started out with an empty email in-tray, and nothing moving on Facebook or anywhere else, I thought this was going to be one of those bulletins where I would have nothing to report, except for progress. But Sunday, which is usually

Working Notes – What’s Up Round Up: In The Mail, Too. Read More »

Book Tour as Articles – Bannockburn Binding Blog Tour Comes Back Home

The book tour for Bannockburn Binding has finished, and all the posts have been loaded up on the site as articles, for your reading pleasure.  I’ve also linked them to the Beloved Bloody Time series page, and each of the books, if appropriate. Would You Wait Six Years For A Kiss? Why Time Travel Romances

Book Tour as Articles – Bannockburn Binding Blog Tour Comes Back Home Read More »

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