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10 Sleeps To Go!

“Don’t get between me and mine, Tira. Not if you value your skinny black arse.” — Brody [Click on the cover or here to read more about Kiss Across Chains] __________________

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Three Months…Three Releases

I’ve been waiting for this for a very long time.  Years, in fact. Finally, on May 1, 2013, I get to release the vampire menage time travel romance series, Kiss Across Time, under my own name.  Then I can pick up the story reins once more and finish the series.  I’ve only been waiting since

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Working Notes – December 19, 2012

I’ve been madly Christmas shopping, orchestrating free promotions for you for the holiday season, and producing books – blog posts sort of fell off the horizon for a bit.  Oops. I hope you all enjoyed the series of three free books over the last three weekends? Two of them were repeats: Blood Knot and Bannockburn

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New Covers for my Sherlock Holmes books – Wow!

With the imminent launch of the first book in my Sherlock Holmes series, Chronicles of the Lost Years, Dar Albert has completed the new covers for the two books in the series and they’re fantastic. They pay homage to my current favourite TV Sherlock Holmes, the BBC’s Sherlock played by Benedict Cumberbatch, while still maintaining

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Working Notes – November 19, 2012

One of the great things about indie publishing is the complete and utter flexibility it gives you. In other words, a girl can change her mind.  That may sound fickle, but I’ve changed my mind for some very sound reasons that you’ll like, too. How did I change my mind?  Here’s what’s happened: I’ve temporarily

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Working Notes – November 5, 2012

Oh, I’ve been dying to tell you this. I’ve finally broken ground on the third Beloved Bloody Time novel. It’s not like I’ve been sitting around idle all this time.  I’ve been busy.  Very busy, and on the novel, too.  And the series. 1)  I finished up plotting the whole series in broad strokes.  At

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My Life/Working Notes – October 22, 2012

News!  And it’s all over the place this week, too. First up, I’m now doing a weekly post over at Get Lusty for Couples, for all things that fall into the area where sex and fiction collide.  Think fantasies, pornography, erotica, on-line and text-based sex (I met my husband on-line, so I guess I’m a

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Book Tour for BLOOD STONE

I’m going on tour again and this one is huge.  The tour is, of course, for my erotic paranormal urban fantasy, Blood Stone, the second in the Blood Stone series.  And for this particular tour, there are some nice bonuses for you, the reader. The first bonus you get to hear about right up front: 

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Free Sneak Peak of BLOOD STONE – I’m looking for Beta Readers.

Exciting news! My erotic MMF paranormal urban fantasy romance, Blood Stone, the sequel to Blood Knot that has taken forever to get here…well, it’s finally here. D-Day is Friday, September 14, 2012.  That’s barely three weeks from now. And there’s a bonus:  On release day and the two days after that, Blood Knot will be free

Free Sneak Peak of BLOOD STONE – I’m looking for Beta Readers. Read More »

Working Notes – What’s Up Round Up: In The Mail, Too.

As I’m quietly and steadily working my way through Blood Stone, and the weekend started out with an empty email in-tray, and nothing moving on Facebook or anywhere else, I thought this was going to be one of those bulletins where I would have nothing to report, except for progress. But Sunday, which is usually

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