Reader Resources

Finding Good Stuff On Twitter

I’ve fought Twitter for the longest time, because at first it seemed so damned pointless.   I’m a novelist.  I couldn’t see how anything worthwhile could be discussed in 120 characters. But the explosive popularity of Twitter, and texting in general, proved me wrong. I’ve embraced Twitter conditionally.  We’re working partners for now.  I still don’t […]

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Friday’s Mash

Goodies I’ve found from chatting and cruising this week: Sites Romance Book Junkies – Danielle likes Paranormal, Erotica, Historical, Fantasy, some Young Adult and some Urban Fantasy, but she doesn’t review MMF romances at all. DABWAHA –  Interesting concept.  It’s like Survivor, but for books.  The slug line reads:  “64 Books. 1 Champion. Get Your

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Can’t Afford An eReader? How to Read eBooks Now…For Free

eReaders are tumbling in price, but they still represent an investment in money.  And there’s the time commitment, too.   I don’t know about you, but I dithered for weeks until I finally commited to the Sony reader and the ePub format. Meantime, you’re still buying paperbacks that you will have to rebuy in ebook

Can’t Afford An eReader? How to Read eBooks Now…For Free Read More »

Friday’s Mash

Goodies I’ve found from chatting and cruising this week: Sites Kindle Spice – Only the Hottest Books for Your Kindle.  Pretty self explanatory.  They have some ads, but it seems to be exactly what it says.  And their logo, a play on the Kindle logo, is cute. Time Management Ninja – Clean, well laid out,

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Damn Good Romances VIII — Happy Ever After…For Now

This post is part of a series. Part 1: Damn Good Romances Part II: Romantic Tension Part III: Romantic Conflict Part IV: Emotional Intensity Part V: Heart-Stopping Moments Part VI: Uncertainty of Outcome Part VII: Moment of Ultimate Vulnerability Part VIII: Happy Ever After…For Now _____________ Happy Ever After…For Now About every five years or

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Working Notes – What’s Up Round Up: In The Mail, Too.

As I’m quietly and steadily working my way through Blood Stone, and the weekend started out with an empty email in-tray, and nothing moving on Facebook or anywhere else, I thought this was going to be one of those bulletins where I would have nothing to report, except for progress. But Sunday, which is usually

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Damned Good Romances VII – The Moment of Ultimate Vulnerability

This post is part of a series. Part 1: Damn Good Romances Part II: Romantic Tension Part III: Romantic Conflict Part IV: Emotional Intensity Part V: Heart-Stopping Moments Part VI: Uncertainty of Outcome Part VII: Moment of Ultimate Vulnerability Part VIII: Happy Ever After…For Now _____________ The Moment of Ultimate Vulnerability I think I fell

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Working Notes – What I’m Reading

I always like doing these posts because sharing what I’m reading is as much a surprise to me as it is to you.  Thanks to electronic reading, I pick up and drop books like lingerie, and I’m in the middle of dozens of books at any one time. So I usually report on the books

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Book Tour as Articles – Bannockburn Binding Blog Tour Comes Back Home

The book tour for Bannockburn Binding has finished, and all the posts have been loaded up on the site as articles, for your reading pleasure.  I’ve also linked them to the Beloved Bloody Time series page, and each of the books, if appropriate. Would You Wait Six Years For A Kiss? Why Time Travel Romances

Book Tour as Articles – Bannockburn Binding Blog Tour Comes Back Home Read More »

Damned Good Romances VI – Uncertainty of Outcome

This post is part of a series. Part 1: Damn Good Romances Part II: Romantic Tension Part III: Romantic Conflict Part IV: Emotional Intensity Part V: Heart-Stopping Moments Part VI: Uncertainty of Outcome Part VII: Moment of Ultimate Vulnerability Part VIII: Happy Ever After…For Now _____________ Uncertainty of Outcome This is one of the hardest

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