Reader Resources

Damned Good Romances V – Heart Stopping Moments

This post is part of a series. Part 1: Damn Good Romances Part II: Romantic Tension Part III: Romantic Conflict Part IV: Emotional Intensity Part V: Heart-Stopping Moments Part VI: Uncertainty of Outcome Part VII: Moment of Ultimate Vulnerability Part VIII: Happy Ever After…For Now _____________ Heart-Stopping Moments Heart stopping moments in romance novels are […]

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Damn Good Romance IV – Emotional Intensity

This post is part of a series. Part 1: Damn Good Romances Part II: Romantic Tension Part III: Romantic Conflict Part IV: Emotional Intensity Part V: Heart-Stopping Moments Part VI: Uncertainty of Outcome Part VII: Moment of Ultimate Vulnerability Part VIII: Happy Ever After…For Now _____________ Emotional Intensity When I first started writing romance novels,

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Print editions at Barnes &

          I’ve signed a new deal that will allow my books to be carried in retail bookstores (yeah!) and with on-line retailers like Barnes &, not just Amazon. This means that if you have a favourite little independant brick & mortar bookstore or even a big store down at your

Print editions at Barnes & Read More »

Damn Good Romances III – Romantic Conflict

This post is part of a series. Part 1: Damn Good Romances Part II: Romantic Tension Part III: Romantic Conflict Part IV: Emotional Intensity Part V: Heart-Stopping Moments Part VI: Uncertainty of Outcome Part VII: Moment of Ultimate Vulnerability Part VIII: Happy Ever After…For Now _____________ Romantic Conflict Romantic Conflict is perhaps one of the

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About The Industry – All Romance eBooks Trend Analysis for 2011

Every year, All Romance eBooks produces a Trend Analysis that they distribute to all their publishers. The report is naturally focused upon All Romance eBooks and their position within the industry, but once you sift through that bias, it contains some very interesting information. I thought I’d share some of the highlights.  Some buyer highlights

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Damn Good Romances – Part II: Romantic Tension

This post is part of a series. Part 1: Damn Good Romances Part II: Romantic Tension Part III: Romantic Conflict Part IV: Emotional Intensity Part V: Heart-Stopping Moments Part VI: Uncertainty of Outcome Part VII: Moment of Ultimate Vulnerability Part VIII: Happy Ever After…For Now _____________ Romantic Tension Romantic Tension is one of those invisible

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The Reading Life – A New Trend in eReaders?

I’ve been feeling sort-of guilty for a few years now because I started reading electronically over ten years ago, first on my Palm Pilot, then on my cellphone.  Then, when dedicated e-readers emerged, I finally thought I’d better put my money where my profession lived, and buy one of the damned things. I didn’t actually

The Reading Life – A New Trend in eReaders? Read More »

Damn Good Romances – Part 1

This post is part of a series. Part 1: Damn Good Romances Part II: Romantic Tension Part III: Romantic Conflict Part IV: Emotional Intensity Part V: Heart-Stopping Moments Part VI: Uncertainty of Outcome Part VII: Moment of Ultimate Vulnerability Part VIII: Happy Ever After…For Now _____________ Mark and I were arguing…sorry, “discussing” what makes a

Damn Good Romances – Part 1 Read More »

New Articles Posted.

  I’ve added more articles to the Articles for Readers page and the Stuff About My Books page.   Is Honesty Among Thieves Really Possible? Flatiron Buildings…They’re Just Pretty, In The End Callouses For Thousands of Years Avoiding Detection One Meeting At A Time Secret Love…Is It Really Possible? Claddagh Rings And Older Symbols Slave

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About The Industry – Be The Monkey

Actually, if you know what choosing to be the monkey really means, you’d recoil.  But it’s a diverting title for a book that is really a long conversation between two big names in publishing.  One, Barry Eisler, is a New York Times Bestselling writer who has turned his back on the legacy publishing model and

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