Housekeeping Note

Top Posts and Pages for February

Top Five Posts for February 1.  About The Industry – All Romance eBooks Trend Analysis for 2011 Brand new this month…and straight to the top. 2. Really Cool Historical Vacation Spots: Constantinople And still #2 3. Damn Good Romance IV – Emotional Intensity Another new post this month. 4.  Damn Good Romances – Part 1 […]

Top Posts and Pages for February Read More »

LUCIFER out in print, TALISMAN at B&N

Quick update. My contemporary romance, Lucifer’s Lover, just hit print.  It looks gorgeous!  Especially with that cover.  And it’s a long novel, so it’s a pretty hefty tome, too.  You can pick up a copy directly from Createspace right now, or wait a few days for the print page to populate over at Amazon. And

LUCIFER out in print, TALISMAN at B&N Read More »

THE ROYAL TALISMAN Now Available at Apple and Kobo

My erotic historical romantic suspense, The Royal Talisman, has just been uploaded to the Apple Store and on to Kobo today. Barnes & Noble and Sony are still holding out, but I’ll report when they’ve stocked it. Have a great weekend!

THE ROYAL TALISMAN Now Available at Apple and Kobo Read More »

I’m at Romancing the Darkside…AND I’ve Updated My Links.

Stop #3 of the Bannockburn Binding book tour.  Romancing the Darkside are hosting me today. Swing by for an excerpt that hasn’t been seen anywhere else, and drop a line saying hello. I’m giving away a copy of Blood Knot today, too! ____________ Also, a brief housekeeping note, because I’m so squeezed for posts over

I’m at Romancing the Darkside…AND I’ve Updated My Links. Read More »

New Articles Posted.

  I’ve added more articles to the Articles for Readers page and the Stuff About My Books page.   Is Honesty Among Thieves Really Possible? Flatiron Buildings…They’re Just Pretty, In The End Callouses For Thousands of Years Avoiding Detection One Meeting At A Time Secret Love…Is It Really Possible? Claddagh Rings And Older Symbols Slave

New Articles Posted. Read More »

Additional Books Off the Shelf For Now

A quick follow-up to my announcement the other day about book title rights that have been returned to me, and therefore won’t be available for sale — just for a short while! — while I repackage and beef them up and put them back out there. Several other books have been returned to me and

Additional Books Off the Shelf For Now Read More »


So you may have wondered about the abrupt and echoing silence that has been my major form of communication for a while. Chirping crickets have been louder, I know. There are generally two reasons that bloggers go silent — either they’ve suddenly discovered that blogging is really hard  and they lose interest in it.  Posts

Gone Read More »

Blood Knot Now Out In Print

Some quick housekeeping notes. 1.  Blood Knot, my erotic MMF urban fantasy romance, has just been released in print and is available on Amazon for $11.97.  As the distribution system slowly trickles down, it will become available at other stores like Barnes & Noble, etc — I’ll report on them and add their links to Blood

Blood Knot Now Out In Print Read More »

I’m Back! And Boy Do I Have News!

I think the title probably says a mouthful all by itself, so I’ll roll right over to the good stuff. 🙂 I have to finish this post then go rebuild my site to accommodate the blog once more.  Which pleases me no end, because I have so missed blogging it’s not funny. And there’s so

I’m Back! And Boy Do I Have News! Read More »

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