Escape Between The Pages

Blood Knot Now Out In Print

Some quick housekeeping notes. 1.  Blood Knot, my erotic MMF urban fantasy romance, has just been released in print and is available on Amazon for $11.97.  As the distribution system slowly trickles down, it will become available at other stores like Barnes & Noble, etc — I’ll report on them and add their links to Blood […]

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I’m at Escape Between The Pages Today

The blog tour for my erotic urban fantasy romance, Blood Knot, continues today. I’m guest blogging at Escape Between The Pages, with a post called “Callouses For Thousands of Years”. I’ll also be giving away another copy of Kiss Across Swords to a visitor. Stop in and say hello and catch up with the next installment of

I’m at Escape Between The Pages Today Read More »

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