
It’s Just A Job – Incubus

It’s Just A Job – Incubus Wikipedia’s short definition of an Incubus is: An incubus (nominal form constructed from the Latin verb, incubo, incubare, or “to lie upon”) is a demon in male form who, according to a number of mythological and legendary traditions, lies upon sleepers, especially women, in order to have intercourse with […]

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Today is Anzac Day

It must be because I grew up hearing the stories about what Australian and New Zealand troops achieved (and died achieving) during the First and Second World Wars, that Anzac Day tends to register in my consciousness more than Rememberance Day ever does, even living here in North America. In Australia, Anzac Day is a

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ePub Reader Software For Cellphones & Tablets Compared.

For the longest time I have been using FBReader on my cellphone to read ePub formatted ebooks.  It was a fallback app I grabbed quickly when my Sony eReader died a couple of years ago, and I needed something to access all the books I’d had on the Sony. The last laugh was on me: 

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Shakespearean Sonnets

I’m almost afraid to mention Shakespeare.  There is a whole generation of readers out there, including my kids, who had Shakespeare in Love shoved down their throats in English class at highschool.  They studied the movie and everything to do with Shakespeare for ten very long weeks, to the point where none of them now

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Friday’s Mash

Goodies I’ve found from chatting and cruising this week: Sites The Indie Reader – “a venue for discriminating book-lovers to find and purchase books published by the people who wrote them. Think indie movies–produced with a singular vision–instead of the mass-marketed stuff you’d find at the multiplex. In a world where almost everything is packaged

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Can Romance Save the World? – Guest Post by Naomi Bellina

Today my special guest, Naomi Bellina, is stepping up to the plate.  Please welcome her. ________ Thank you, Tracy, for having me as a guest today and letting me share my thoughts on romance writing and saving the world. Be sure to enter my contest at the end of this post. I’m a self-help, make

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Pulse Pause Moments – A Scandal In Belgravia – Sherlock

If you’ve only read a couple of the original Sherlock Holmes stories before, or only watched the two movies with Robert Downey Jnr., you’re probably wondering how on earth Sherlock Holmes could end up in one of my Pulse Pause posts. I’ve actually been waiting impatiently to write this post for about three weeks now,

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NOT Going to RT? Yeah, Me Neither.

I actually am bummed at not going to RT.  It’s my second year I’ve missed.  Money is the primary issue – the conference is always thousands of miles from me, and it’s an expensive sucker to attend in the first place.  But I have a ton of friends I only ever get to see at

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Giveaway Hop Winner

The winner of the copy of Bannockburn Binding – drawn by random number generator — was Ashley.  Congratulations!  She received a PDF copy of the book. Thank you to everyone who entered.  It was fun chatting with some of you. There’s still a chance to win more goodies and prizes as the birthday party celebrations

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Working Notes – The Book That Wouldn’t Be Short

It’s only now I’ve recalled a pithy little line I included in the special features for The Royal Talisman: “I have also been accused of an inability to write anything short to save my life.” Good thing a hanging didn’t depend on the turn of that phrase.  Because I blithely included in the description for

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