
If You’re Really Alert…

For the super energetic Saturday morning browsers, a little bonus.  I’ve just put up a page for the sequel to Blood Knot.  You’ll find some early details on Blood Stone  here. Cheers, Tracy.    

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Working Notes – September 26: Blood Stone

I’ve been getting a huge number of hits on the site lately for Brian Austin Green, and the role he played in Terminator: The Sarah Connor Chronicles.  People are reading my rave review about him as a romantic hero.  I find that promising as Green is my inspiration for one of the heroes in the

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Vampire Powers – Holy Objects, Garlic

Vampire Powers – Holy Objects, Garlic Continuing the Vampire Powers series. Today I’m looking at something that’s really more of a “negative power” — a weakness. Originally, vampires in the old penny-dreadful movies could be repelled by holy objects — crucifixes, holy water, a bible. They would reel away in horror, their arms up to

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I’m at Nina Pierce’s Place Today

The blog tour for my erotic urban fantasy romance, Blood Knot, continues today.  I’m guest blogging at Nina Pierce’s blog, Around The Writer’s Block.  Today’s topic is “Smell The Coffee?  What About That Turkey Stuffing?”  And if that leaves you scratching your head, then all I can say is drop in and read the post.  <grin> I’ll also

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Vampire Powers – Mental Domination

Vampire Powers – Mental Domination Continuing the Vampire Powers series, this time we’re looking at mental domination, also known as mind rolling, mental persuasion and various other names, depending upon the author. Not every author allows their vampires to have the ability to mentally dominate others, or allow all their vampires to have the power

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