
Friday’s Mash (On Thursday)

Goodies I’ve found from chatting and cruising this week: Interesting Sites James Bond: Rare and Unpublished Photos From Auditions for ‘On Her Majesty’s Secret Service’ LIFE Magazine. This is fascinating. James Bond(s) as you’ve never seen them. Indie Authors Historical romance author Jennifer Blake is now self-publishing. Various Romance genres.  Carolyn McCray – and you […]

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Thick vs Thin. The Ultimate Decider.

This is Part 2 of a series Part 1: So Where Are The Thick Romance Heroines? Part 2: Slender Is A Status Symbol ___ The Ultimate Decider. I’ve been thinking rather hard about thick v’s thin. There’s been images of “thick” women on Facebook that caught my attention, and I posted about them, here, and

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Pulse Pause Moments – Peter And Olivia – Fringe

I started late on Fringe.  As in, only a few weeks ago, and the show is already into Season 4.  But I’ve caught up already.  The hook bit deep, and dragged hard. The most frustrating part of that is I’m not really sure why. The show doesn’t deal with paranormal — or it says it

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Slender is A Status Symbol

This is Part 2 of a series Part 1: So Where Are The Thick Romance Heroines? ___ Slender Is A Status Symbol I’ve been thinking a lot about thick vs thin lately.  I spoke about this the other day – thanks to the new “thick girls” idea, it’s sitting at the front of my brain.

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Friday’s Mash

Goodies I’ve found from chatting and cruising this week: Interesting Posts/Articles Thirty-Two Shades of Green!!! Erotic Romance writer Sahara Kelly’s reaction to Fifty Shades of Grey My Kitchen “Miracle” Cleaner! For all the frugalists out there. Top 1,000 Romance Novels of All Time  Interesting in an intellectual way only.  I lost faith in the list

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VE Day – 67 years ago.

VE Day – Victory in Europe Day – marks the end of the European hostilities of World War II.  The Japanese would take another three months to surrender. While there are huge numbers of monuments dedicated to ensuring we never forget the wars and battles we have fought, it seems odd that we don’t celebrate

VE Day – 67 years ago. Read More »

So Where Are The Thick Romance Heroines?

This is is Part 1 of a series. I’ve been thinking a lot about the recent rash of images on Facebook and elsewhere, of gorgeous women, who are in no way, shape or form, slender.  There’s a motivational poster out there called “Thick women” that has four not-slender women in various sexy poses, that encourages

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Why I Didn’t Eat Supper Last Week. Or Post.

It’s been a week since I posted.  Wow…how did that happen? Well, I know how it happened — now.  Hindsight is a beautiful thing.  😉 I usually do a week’s worth of posts on the weekend, and last weekend I didn’t get them written because I spent the weekend rushing around covering a lot of

Why I Didn’t Eat Supper Last Week. Or Post. Read More »

I’m at Vampire Romance Books today, talking about Indie Authors

In the swirling whirliegig that is publishing, these days, indie authors and indie publishing is the newly-emerging cottage industry…or is it the way of things to come? I get to wrap up Indie Author month at Vampire Romance Books with an overview of Indie Publishing today. Have your say. After all, indie publishing is an

I’m at Vampire Romance Books today, talking about Indie Authors Read More »

Friday’s Mash

Goodies I’ve found from chatting and cruising this week:   Interesting Posts/Articles The changing definition of e-publishing A long essay about some startling developments in the book world lately. Lawrence Kasdan Goes Indie The Other Side of Piracy  Another perspective on ebook piracy.  Very interesting. What I Just Learned From A Room Full of Romance

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