Kiss Across Time

On the Road – Risque Reviews (and Giveaway)

I was filleted and laid out to fry by Risque Reviews.  Check out the results for yourself.  I didn’t exactly hold myself back.  🙂  It was nice to be asked some tough, interesting questions. Oh, and I’m giving away goodies, too. Come and see. t.  

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On the Road – I’m at Queen of the Night Reviews

I’m at a new-for-me site today.  Queen of the Night Reviews is hosting my post (ooh!) See you there. t.

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On the Road Again — At Magical Musings

I’m hitting the road again, this time for a teeny weeny, itsy-bitsy book tour — barely even a hiccup, really — for Kiss Across Time. Today I’m at Magical Musings, a collective blog for a group of authors that includes at least one Canadian and one Australian from Perth, W.A., my original home town.  (Guess

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KISS ACROSS TIME is Out!!! (Dancin’…)

So, I’ve been waiting nearly two years for today to arrive, almost to the day. Cannot believe it’s finally here. At the risk of being pelted with olives or worse, please let me repeat myself for the last time — at least on this blog.  This is my favourite series of all time, ever.  So

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My Life – Bloody Snow! Sheesh!

I honestly cannot believe this weather.  This is a photo I took through the window of my bus, this morning on the way to work.  Here we are, two days away from May and it’s snowing! The one good thing inclement weather like this is good for is tucking oneself up with a great story. 

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Three Months…Three Releases

I’ve been waiting for this for a very long time.  Years, in fact. Finally, on May 1, 2013, I get to release the vampire menage time travel romance series, Kiss Across Time, under my own name.  Then I can pick up the story reins once more and finish the series.  I’ve only been waiting since

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Working Notes – What’s Up Round Up: In The Mail, Too.

As I’m quietly and steadily working my way through Blood Stone, and the weekend started out with an empty email in-tray, and nothing moving on Facebook or anywhere else, I thought this was going to be one of those bulletins where I would have nothing to report, except for progress. But Sunday, which is usually

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