
Ease Yourself Into MMF Romances – Part IV

Ease Yourself Into MMF Romances – Part IV Where To Find Your MMF Romances This is Part Four of a Series Part 1: Ménages Categorized Part 2: How can MMF be romantic? Part 3: How To Read Your First MMF Romance Part 4: Where To Find Your MMF Romances Part 5: Narrow Down Your List […]

Ease Yourself Into MMF Romances – Part IV Read More »

Enz of Editions…New Editions, New Covers. News.

Split Enz, the Aussie/Kiwi punk/rock/vaudeville/swing band from the ‘7os and ’80s, released their first compilation album to mark their tenth anniversary, in 1983.  They called it Enz of an Era, thinking it was a fitting tribute to ten good years. Which it was. They had no idea at the time that Split Enz would be

Enz of Editions…New Editions, New Covers. News. Read More »

Are Print Books Really Doomed?

This is the second post in a series. Part 1: Are Print Publishers Really Doomed? Part 2: Are Print Books Really Doomed? Part 3: Do I HAVE To Read E-Books? Part 4: Do I Have to Buy Indie Books? _____ Are physical books really going to disappear forever, amen? Not altogether, like dinosaurs. But their

Are Print Books Really Doomed? Read More »

Working Notes – September 26: Blood Stone

I’ve been getting a huge number of hits on the site lately for Brian Austin Green, and the role he played in Terminator: The Sarah Connor Chronicles.  People are reading my rave review about him as a romantic hero.  I find that promising as Green is my inspiration for one of the heroes in the

Working Notes – September 26: Blood Stone Read More »

BLOOD KNOT Review and Ranking on Amazon. Yeah, I’m still catching up…

I know I said I was back, last post, but I had no idea what a massive liar I was, at the time. Yeah, I was back in Canada — physically.  As for actually being back in control of my life, all the strings in my hand, all lights green, ready to rock on…hollow laugh.

BLOOD KNOT Review and Ranking on Amazon. Yeah, I’m still catching up… Read More »

In Transit: Seattle Airport…and Fatal Wild Child in Print

We’re waiting for our flight to L.A.  We’ve been waiting for three hours and we’ll be waiting another 90 minutes yet to board, then another 30 minutes to take off. That’s not our worst lay over yet, by far. But the pain is certainly leavened by … free WIFI!!!! I’ve been taking full advantage of

In Transit: Seattle Airport…and Fatal Wild Child in Print Read More »

My Cool New Toolbar – Add To Your Amazon Wishlist From Anywhere!

I’m geeky enough to get a kick out of designing cool stuff like toolbars, and this one made my day.  You can now download my very own toolbar and install it in your Internet Explorer and Firefox web browsers, and besides it letting you keep up with my latest news, it will also let you

My Cool New Toolbar – Add To Your Amazon Wishlist From Anywhere! Read More »

Blood Knot Now Out In Print

Some quick housekeeping notes. 1.  Blood Knot, my erotic MMF urban fantasy romance, has just been released in print and is available on Amazon for $11.97.  As the distribution system slowly trickles down, it will become available at other stores like Barnes & Noble, etc — I’ll report on them and add their links to Blood

Blood Knot Now Out In Print Read More »

FATAL WILD CHILD is now released!

My first non-erotic romantic suspense in quite a while, Fatal Wild Child, just went up onto Amazon, All Romance Ebooks, and Smashwords yesterday.  So it’s officially released now. One of the things I’m finding different about self-publishing (unlike legacy publishing) is that there’s no such thing as a cast-iron release date.  I can point to

FATAL WILD CHILD is now released! Read More »

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