Time Travel

Today I’m at Bitten By Paranormal Romance – Last Stop On The Blog Tour.

Stop #8 and final stop of the Bannockburn Binding book tour. Today I’m at Bitten By Paranormal Romance.  And yes, I’m still talking about history.  But I’m also talking about vampires, time travel, tourism and some really cool vacation spots. Swing by for an excerpt that hasn’t been seen anywhere else and drop a line […]

Today I’m at Bitten By Paranormal Romance – Last Stop On The Blog Tour. Read More »

Working Notes – The Book That Wouldn’t Be Short

It’s only now I’ve recalled a pithy little line I included in the special features for The Royal Talisman: “I have also been accused of an inability to write anything short to save my life.” Good thing a hanging didn’t depend on the turn of that phrase.  Because I blithely included in the description for

Working Notes – The Book That Wouldn’t Be Short Read More »

Working Notes – Byzantine Heartbreak is Underway. Yeah!

It’s been a weird week. For a start, it’s been very cold. Like, 35 degrees Celsius below zero cold. That’s negative 31 in Farenheit for all you Imperial-thinking people. I got Mukluks for Christmas — real authentic ones.  But even at -35, they let the cold in and my feet started to chill up.  I

Working Notes – Byzantine Heartbreak is Underway. Yeah! Read More »

I’m at Vampire Romances today – win a copy of BLOOD KNOT

Stop #4 of the Bannockburn Binding book tour.   Today I’m at Vampire Romance Books where I’m spilling my guts about what terrible pilots vampires make, in “Vampires…Natural Space Travellers?” Swing by for an excerpt that hasn’t been seen anywhere else, and drop a line saying hello. I’m giving away a copy of Blood Knot today,

I’m at Vampire Romances today – win a copy of BLOOD KNOT Read More »

I’m at Romancing the Darkside…AND I’ve Updated My Links.

Stop #3 of the Bannockburn Binding book tour.  Romancing the Darkside are hosting me today. Swing by for an excerpt that hasn’t been seen anywhere else, and drop a line saying hello. I’m giving away a copy of Blood Knot today, too! ____________ Also, a brief housekeeping note, because I’m so squeezed for posts over

I’m at Romancing the Darkside…AND I’ve Updated My Links. Read More »

I’m At Fiction Vixen Today

Stop #1 of the Bannockburn Binding book tour starts today with Fiction Vixen. Swing by for an excerpt that hasn’t been seen anywhere else, and drop a line saying hello.  I’m giving away a copy of Blood Knot today, too! See you there! Tracy  

I’m At Fiction Vixen Today Read More »


It’s out! It’s out! IT’S OUT!!! Bannockburn Binding just hit the Amazon shelves.  Here. It’ll take a few days for me to get the other formats into shape and up onto the other platforms, and for them to process the files (Smashwords, etc, are much slower than Amazon), but Amazon is out!)


New Cover for My Erotic MMF Urban Fantasy Time Travel Romance, BANNOCKBURN BINDING

Time is theirs to keep. But it comes with a price. Out any day now. (Just as soon as I get the book formatted, basically.) What do you think? Book’s page. In the early 23rd Century, vampires learned how to travel back in time, and created a time-tsunami that threated life as we know it,

New Cover for My Erotic MMF Urban Fantasy Time Travel Romance, BANNOCKBURN BINDING Read More »

Working Notes – December 12, 2011

I’m one of those writers who doesn’t believe in writer’s block.  I don’t think it exists as an independent condition.  If a writer can’t bring herself to write, then there’s an underlying reason for the “block”.  Resolve that base reason, and the writer will be able to write again. But there isn’t a disease that

Working Notes – December 12, 2011 Read More »

Time Travel – The Great Escape

Today I am pleased to host Sarah J. McNeal, paranormal and fantasy author, who has just released her time travel novel, Harmonica Joe’s Reluctant Bride, which you may have seen reviewed and talked up all over the blogosphere last week. Sarah is kindly giving away an ecopy of Harmonica Joe to a reader, so make

Time Travel – The Great Escape Read More »

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