Paranormal Romance

Working Notes – October 18, 2011

Blood Stone is progressing slowly.  I’m not pushing to get vast wordage down fast on this one, even though I’m usually keen to make progress as quickly as possible, because there’s so much new in my life just now that everything is so…well, unsettled.  So I’m content with baby steps. The new job is also […]

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Additional Books Off the Shelf For Now

A quick follow-up to my announcement the other day about book title rights that have been returned to me, and therefore won’t be available for sale — just for a short while! — while I repackage and beef them up and put them back out there. Several other books have been returned to me and

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If You’re Really Alert…

For the super energetic Saturday morning browsers, a little bonus.  I’ve just put up a page for the sequel to Blood Knot.  You’ll find some early details on Blood Stone  here. Cheers, Tracy.    

If You’re Really Alert… Read More »

Working Notes – September 26: Blood Stone

I’ve been getting a huge number of hits on the site lately for Brian Austin Green, and the role he played in Terminator: The Sarah Connor Chronicles.  People are reading my rave review about him as a romantic hero.  I find that promising as Green is my inspiration for one of the heroes in the

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Working Notes – July 4. Blood Knot II

If you’re subscribed to my newsletter, you already know that my writing and publishing schedule has taken a short detour. Blood Knot has suddenly become hugely popular.  Last week it was #262 on Amazon’s Most Popular Vampire Romance chart.  As I write this post it has moved up to #257.  Considering that Amazon have 3,175

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Vampire Powers – Holy Objects, Garlic

Vampire Powers – Holy Objects, Garlic Continuing the Vampire Powers series. Today I’m looking at something that’s really more of a “negative power” — a weakness. Originally, vampires in the old penny-dreadful movies could be repelled by holy objects — crucifixes, holy water, a bible. They would reel away in horror, their arms up to

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BLOOD KNOT Review and Ranking on Amazon. Yeah, I’m still catching up…

I know I said I was back, last post, but I had no idea what a massive liar I was, at the time. Yeah, I was back in Canada — physically.  As for actually being back in control of my life, all the strings in my hand, all lights green, ready to rock on…hollow laugh.

BLOOD KNOT Review and Ranking on Amazon. Yeah, I’m still catching up… Read More »

BLOOD KNOT award, FATAL WILD CHILD Review…I’m back!

I’m almost scared to start blogging again.  There’s a small mountain of news, tasks, and dust to blow off the site. Not to mention about 800 photos we took in Australia that I should really comb through to share the best of with you, that I never really had time to upload while I was

BLOOD KNOT award, FATAL WILD CHILD Review…I’m back! Read More »

Working Notes – April 27

I’m still working hard on my next book, the paranormal romance, Branded Rose. I was sidetracked for a while by the launch of Fatal Wild Child. The book is becoming epic, one of those huge scale, sprawling intricate universe things.  I confess I’m loving all the world building going on, too.  It’s coming together like Leggo,

Working Notes – April 27 Read More »

Blood Knot Now Out In Print

Some quick housekeeping notes. 1.  Blood Knot, my erotic MMF urban fantasy romance, has just been released in print and is available on Amazon for $11.97.  As the distribution system slowly trickles down, it will become available at other stores like Barnes & Noble, etc — I’ll report on them and add their links to Blood

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