romance novels

Recommended MMF Romances List Updated.

I’ve tweaked the layout and added more titles to the still growing list of recommended MMF romances. This will be an on-going project, of course.  There’s new titles hitting the shelves every day — probably more than ever now, thanks to Fifty Shades of Grey.  And no, I’m not being facetious.  If you’d like to […]

Recommended MMF Romances List Updated. Read More »

Finding Good Stuff On Twitter

I’ve fought Twitter for the longest time, because at first it seemed so damned pointless.   I’m a novelist.  I couldn’t see how anything worthwhile could be discussed in 120 characters. But the explosive popularity of Twitter, and texting in general, proved me wrong. I’ve embraced Twitter conditionally.  We’re working partners for now.  I still don’t

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Just a quick note to let you know that my latest release, the contemporary romance  An Inconvenient Lover, is out in paperback at Amazon. I had to mention it because a) the cover is just so stunning (thank you, Dar Albert!), and it looks even better in the print edition, and b) this is a

AN INCONVENIENT LOVER – Out in Paperback Read More »

Friday’s Mash

Goodies I’ve found from chatting and cruising this week: Sites Romance Book Junkies – Danielle likes Paranormal, Erotica, Historical, Fantasy, some Young Adult and some Urban Fantasy, but she doesn’t review MMF romances at all. DABWAHA –  Interesting concept.  It’s like Survivor, but for books.  The slug line reads:  “64 Books. 1 Champion. Get Your

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Can’t Afford An eReader? How to Read eBooks Now…For Free

eReaders are tumbling in price, but they still represent an investment in money.  And there’s the time commitment, too.   I don’t know about you, but I dithered for weeks until I finally commited to the Sony reader and the ePub format. Meantime, you’re still buying paperbacks that you will have to rebuy in ebook

Can’t Afford An eReader? How to Read eBooks Now…For Free Read More »

Top Posts, Pages & Articles for March

Top Five Posts for March 1. Reading Romances Birthday Party Giveaway Hop This one is likely to be a transitory winner. 2. Damn Good Romance IV – Emotional Intensity Up from #3. 3.  Recommended MMF Books. (I was mad. Mad, I tell you…) New for this month. 4.  Pulse Pause Moments – Anthony DiNozzo II

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Damned Good Romances VII – The Moment of Ultimate Vulnerability

This post is part of a series. Part 1: Damn Good Romances Part II: Romantic Tension Part III: Romantic Conflict Part IV: Emotional Intensity Part V: Heart-Stopping Moments Part VI: Uncertainty of Outcome Part VII: Moment of Ultimate Vulnerability Part VIII: Happy Ever After…For Now _____________ The Moment of Ultimate Vulnerability I think I fell

Damned Good Romances VII – The Moment of Ultimate Vulnerability Read More »

Damn Good Romance IV – Emotional Intensity

This post is part of a series. Part 1: Damn Good Romances Part II: Romantic Tension Part III: Romantic Conflict Part IV: Emotional Intensity Part V: Heart-Stopping Moments Part VI: Uncertainty of Outcome Part VII: Moment of Ultimate Vulnerability Part VIII: Happy Ever After…For Now _____________ Emotional Intensity When I first started writing romance novels,

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Damn Good Romances III – Romantic Conflict

This post is part of a series. Part 1: Damn Good Romances Part II: Romantic Tension Part III: Romantic Conflict Part IV: Emotional Intensity Part V: Heart-Stopping Moments Part VI: Uncertainty of Outcome Part VII: Moment of Ultimate Vulnerability Part VIII: Happy Ever After…For Now _____________ Romantic Conflict Romantic Conflict is perhaps one of the

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Damn Good Romances – Part II: Romantic Tension

This post is part of a series. Part 1: Damn Good Romances Part II: Romantic Tension Part III: Romantic Conflict Part IV: Emotional Intensity Part V: Heart-Stopping Moments Part VI: Uncertainty of Outcome Part VII: Moment of Ultimate Vulnerability Part VIII: Happy Ever After…For Now _____________ Romantic Tension Romantic Tension is one of those invisible

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