award-winning author

Pulse Pause Moment – A Body Guard With A Gun

Every few years or so I get to roll around in Aaron Sorkin’s twisted little mind and worship his sense of character and story telling ability. I’m talking about the television series West Wing, which – while it was awarded and highly rated – I still believe was under-rated and under-appreciated by vast tracts of […]

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Lingerie – A Woman’s Secret Weapon

 Mothers the world over, for at least three generations, taught their daughters to always wear clean underwear, least they be caught dead in shoddy undergarments.  And thus at least a century of women were train to be paranoid about being caught in public in a state of undress and that what you wore under your

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Upcoming Guest Blog and Contest, Next Friday – Win BYZANTINE HEARTBREAK

The newest kid on the romance block, Confessions from Romaholics, launched their site the same day I emerged, blinking, from my self-imposed sabbatical, so I didn’t get to join the launch day party. I fixed that by inviting the owner, Tash M, to come and guest blog here next Friday and tell us about the

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Friday’s Mash

Goodies I’ve found from chatting and cruising lately: Interesting Sites Are Paperbacks Worth It?  Or should we just cut to the chase and jump to ebooks only? Why Smart Women Read Romance Novels — this one is worth bookmarking just so you can whip it out next time some ignoramus starts trashing romances. How Self-Publishing

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Because Indie Legacy Published Books Are Full of Typos

Because Indie Legacy Published Books Are Full of Typos Indie authors have permanently scarred psyches.  They know their books are going to be scrutinized for errors, typos, grammar mistakes, and the most obscure misinterpretations of the English language possible…all to be held up in the air by some rabid indie-critic who will declare triumphantly in

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So, I lied just a bit.

Back in June I blithely announced I was heading off on a writing and blogging vacation.  I so appreciated the messages of farewell I received, and they made me feel a bit guilty. Because I was lying. I did take a vacation from writing and blogging, but I wasn’t lazing around on a beach, restoring

So, I lied just a bit. Read More »

Friday’s Mash

Goodies I’ve found from chatting and cruising this week:   Interesting Sites 350 Pixel Perfect Icons – perfect for just about anything you can think of.  And they’re free. Still Broken – Seth Goden’s Squidoo Lens about shit that just doesn’t work — like signs on fences saying don’t hang signs on fences… The Story

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I’m Back!

I’ve done a few “I’m back!” posts over the years.  This one has a particularly nice taste to it.  I thought I was going to lose my site. After running it for ten years plus, I like blogging and putting stuff out there.  Then my domain host, who will remain nameless, decided not to notify

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It’s Just A Job – Vampires

It’s Just A Job – Vampires I feel slightly silly even attempting to write a definition post about vampires.  They have become such a staple of romance fiction that asking “what does a vampire do?” tends get raised eyebrows in return or ‘d’uh!’ back. But their very popularity raises problems.  Hundreds of authors within the

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Pulse Pause Moment – When You Know You’re Going To Die

I saw the first episode of the first season of Downton Abbey way back in May 2011, when I was visiting Australia.  And I watched it with ad breaks.  Maybe that coloured my viewing experience, because I never got back to the show until the last few weeks. I kept hearing about the series, here

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