Games People Will Play

The thing about any story set in the future that features humans is that all the current human cultures and habits could extend on for a good long bit yet…like eating with knives and forks, for instance.  It’s hard to imagine we would ever go back to eating with our fingers, with a belt knife to hack off what we can’t tear with our fingers alone.  It’s entirely possible, however, that the implements we use to eat with will look nothing like what we use these days.  There have been attempts to remodel cutlery over the years (remember the spork?) but human habit and resistance is high when it comes to our basic needs.

Sports is potentially another area of our culture that won’t go away anytime soon.  It just won’t look like it does now.

amazing-stories-logo-r-375Amazing Stories is a science fiction magazine that has been publishing stories since 1926, on and off.  On their site, recently, they ran an article about sport in science fiction romance!  Guess who got a mention?

Check out the article here.

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Tracy Cooper-Posey
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2 thoughts on “Games People Will Play”

  1. I didn’t read the article yet cause I got excited knowing it was the game from your SciFi Series. WoooWeee. Right on Amazing Stories ( which I haven’t read in forever and now will have to start again). Now I’ll go read the article.

  2. Great article. You explain the game and it’s political and social influence within the story perfectly.

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