Interspace Origins

New Look for the Interspace Origins SFR Series

I find it super interesting the way book covers can suddenly look “old”. They don’t have dust on them, but they might as well have. You as a reader are likely aware of this very subconsciously. You just know if a book looks old. But if you were asked to point out why, you probably […]

New Look for the Interspace Origins SFR Series Read More »

SFR Goodness. Grab it before the deal ends!

I’m heads down at the moment, on a vicious deadline, so I haven’t done anything but sleep for a few days.  But I have garlic going crazy on the shelf by the window! This is before and after Those were taken 7 days apart! Hope everyone is staying well and safe. Here’s a couple of

SFR Goodness. Grab it before the deal ends! Read More »

Science Fiction Romance, Contemporary Romance Now on KU

These two series 1) The Interspace Origins science fiction romance series (award winner!), and 2) The Contemporary Romance Collection (also includes an award winner!), are now on Kindle Unlimited, so if you’re a KU subscriber, do hurry and download them!  Better yet:  Read them.  😉 Cheers, . Take my stories on a test run.  4 full novels

Science Fiction Romance, Contemporary Romance Now on KU Read More »

Two Science Fiction Romance Series Firsts On Deep Discount–A Few Days Only!

Two Science Fiction Romance Series Firsts On Deep Discount–A Few Days Only! I have a very short sale on a couple of my science fiction romance books. Both first-in-series, so if you haven’t yet tried the series, now you can for little outlay. Both books are only 99c until the 18th Greyson’s Doom, Book 1,

Two Science Fiction Romance Series Firsts On Deep Discount–A Few Days Only! Read More »

…and Science Fiction Romance is Back On the Table (Among Other Genres).

In the last few weeks I have been holding a discussion with my readers via the newsletter, about what they want to read. The discussion was sparked by Street Team members telling me I was wrong to stop writing Science Fiction Romance. That gave me pause, because my Street Team are a microcosm of my

…and Science Fiction Romance is Back On the Table (Among Other Genres). Read More »

I Got This Email About The Kiss Across Time Series

Actually, it wasn’t just one email.  I’ve been getting a lot. They go, more or less: I love, love, love the Kiss Across Time series.  I just got to the end of Kiss Across Worlds, and read about there being no more for the foreseeable future.  Say it isn’t so! I want more.  Pleeeeeeeeaaaaase…? I know how

I Got This Email About The Kiss Across Time Series Read More »

Portals 5 – Sample SFR For Free.

I got a lovely email from a reader the other day saying how much they enjoy my Science Fiction Romance books.  It was the first time I’ve had direct reader feedback that the SFR titles are being well received, although the reviews for the six SFR titles I have out already are very encouraging. I

Portals 5 – Sample SFR For Free. Read More »

Are you missing out on the good stuff?

I was just interviewed by USA Today for their Happy Ever After blog.  The interview comes out on June 30 (yes, I’ll remind you!).  The interesting thing is that they wanted to talk to me about Faring Soul, book 1 of the Interspace Origins series. Why is that interesting?  Well, for me, the writing and

Are you missing out on the good stuff? Read More »

A perfect swan song.

…at least, that’s what one reader said on Amazon, about Cat and Company, the third and last (for now) book in the Interspace Origins series. Cat and Company was released last Thursday. Here’s a peek for you: “Where are we going, again?” Catherine whispered, leaning toward Devlin so she could keep her voice down. Devlin

A perfect swan song. Read More »

VARKAN RISE – Cover Reveal and Pre-Order Now!

I’m having so much fun writing Science Fiction Romance – and now that Book 1 of the Interspace Origins series, Faring Soul, has won a SFR Galaxy Award, I’m even more enthusiastic! I was already nearly done with Book 2, Varkan Rise, when the award was announced, which makes this almost perfect timing! Varkan Rise

VARKAN RISE – Cover Reveal and Pre-Order Now! Read More »

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