Portals 5 – Sample SFR For Free.

I got a lovely email from a reader the other day saying how much they enjoy my Science Fiction Romance books.  It was the first time I’ve had direct reader feedback that the SFR titles are being well received, although the reviews for the six SFR titles I have out already are very encouraging. I […]

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Angry Male Readers and SFR

I just realized that “SFR” (science fiction romance) could also stand for Self-empowered Female Readers.  Very cool. Last week, the producers of the newest Star Wars movie, Rogue One, released the first official trailer.  I saw it, loved it and can’t wait for the movie to come out (December!). Within hours of the trailer release,

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SFR Celebration

              _____________________________________________________________________________________________ Hello to everyone who has arrived here via the SFR Brigade website!  Do leave your name in the visitor book!  (i.e. Comments).  It’s great to know where people have come from. For all my regulars, today I’m linking in with the SFR Brigade’s Thursday showcase of all

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What I’m Reading – April 17, 2015

Lots more fiction this month! I’m really rolling around in the stuff and having a whale of a time. The Dragonriders of Pern: Dragonflight, Dragonquest, and The White Dragon Anne McCaffrey I read these three books when I was still in high school, and they grabbed me hard. I didn’t read them again for years

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What I’m Reading – December 2014

Oh, I’ve had so much fun this month. I’ve been reading stories! Yes, fiction! Romantic fiction at that, too! Transgression (City of God series) R.S. Ingermanson Link This is a time travel novel that falls under the science fiction genre rather than the romance genre (the two most common parent categories for time travels). I

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