New Paranormal and Romantic Suspense Editions, Boxed Sets, and Anthologies.

It’s a housekeeping month, with some bonuses for you.

As a reader, you may or may not be aware of the scandal and fallout from some scammers milking the Kindle Unlimited subscription service,
which has forced a lot of authors to withdraw their titles from KU.  Unfortunately, I was one of them.
The six titles that I had in Kindle Unlimited have now been returned to wide distribution
(as Amazon insist on exclusivity while the title is in KU).

That means you can now buy the titles at your favourite non-Zon stores.
If you click on each title below, that will take you to the buy links for each bookseller:

Diana by the Moon3D Diana

Heart of Vengeance3D Vengeance

Dead Double3D Double

Fatal Wild Child3D Fatal

Terror Stash
Terror 3D

The Branded Rose Prophecy

Branded 3D


In addition, Dead Again has also been repackaged with a new cover.

Again 3D


And just to finish off the flurry of housekeeping, now
that all my books are now “wide” (instead of exclusive to Amazon)
I have been able to produce ebooks of some boxed sets and
anthologies and offer them on all booksellers, too:

Thrilling Affair
Thrilling Affair


3D Amor MeusAmor Meus


The First Trinity

The First Trinity


If you’ve become a collector of “keeper” ebook editions instead of
keeper print editions, then these are for you!

Tracy Cooper-Posey
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