More Kickstarter fun today. Another project that looks super interesting and cool. Author TJ King is looking to fund an omnibus (that’s the same thing as a boxed set by a single author, but in print), on an already successful, sexy urban fantasy series.
What’s interesting about this project is that a) It has already funded, so if you back it, you know you’ll get your goodies.
And b) the project has reached its fourth stretch goal — so extra goodies to pick up, there, too.

You might also want to check out my own Kickstarter project. Like King’s, above, my project has also funded, and has also reached a stretch goal (two boxed sets). The project is heading for the second stretch goal (another boxed set), and there’s still a few days left to run.
Just for fun, I’m adding the project’s welcoming video here for you to check out.
I was asked in the Reader’s Hangout if the narrator of the video was me. Yes, that’s my “dulcet” tones you can hear. 🙂
If you like historical romance, check the project out here.