If You’re Reading This via Email, or RSS Feed, or Facebook…


…in fact, if you’re reading this post anywhere other than right on my site, with the red and black band at the top, then you should know that I am about to move all RSS and Email subscribers to the blog to a commercial blog feed.   I have been using a free Google-based feed service until now, but it is no longer robust enough for the traffic and subscribers I have, plus it keeps dropping out on me.

What this means for you

 If you read the blog via email

Then you need do nothing.  All email subscribers will be transferred over to the new feed at the end of July and (in theory) the switch over will be seamless.

However, you might want to jump now and swap yourself over to the new email feed.  Click here to subscribe to the blog via the email service.  Why do it now?  You get a free book out of it.

Don’t forget to unsubscribe from this feed you’re reading now, once you’re successfully signed up with the new one.  There’s an unsubscribe link at the bottom of the email.  If you forget, you’ll just get double emails until the end of the month, then this feed will be deleted.

If you read the blog via RSS feed

That is, if you read using an application like Feedly, for example, then you have two choices:

a.  Delete your current subscription inside the RSS Reader you’re currently using.  Instead, subscribe to the raw feed for this site, which is:  http://tracycooperposey.com/feed/


b.  Subscribe to the email feed instead.  Click here to subscribe to the blog via the email service.  There’s a bonus in this alternative, too — you also get a free book out of it.

If you read the blog via Facebook

You should be just as unaffected by the change as those who are getting the feeds through their email.

However, just like the email people, you might chose to switch over to getting the posts via email as well, to get the freebie.  Click here to subscribe to the blog via the email service.

Questions, concerns?  Techno-panic?

Don’t worry, this is simple.  I’m happy to walk you through it, too.  If you’re not sure what to do, or just have questions, email me, and I’ll try to sort you out.

I will run another notice about this switch over toward the end of the month, just to make sure everyone is notified.

If none of the above applies to you…

If you’re passing through, perhaps, or a geek wizard, and nothing above is of interest to you, please enjoy the picture of the beautiful Canadian Rockies instead.  🙂


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