Working Notes – My Life, December 12
I originally had this post scheduled for much earlier — mid-November, actually. But my writing brain suddenly unlocked itself and words gushed out, and I finished an entire book in fifteen days and had an abrupt need to advise you about this new series I’d started, and start doing things like building book pages and series profiles…
So here’s the post that was supposed to have been…
Being married to a professional wrestler means life has many “interesting” moments. Our kids grew up with a romance author mother and a professional wrestler father, which meant their status in high school was different, when every kid was trying desperately to blend in. I think they’re still trying to figure out if our weird careers were a positive influence on them or not. They’ve certainly turned into very independant-minded young adults.
But Mark — also known around the Canadian professional wrestling circuits as “Mr. Intensity,” continues to provide me with pulse pausing moments on a regular basis. There have been a few just this last month gone by, which prompted this post.
You’d think it would be kinda fun being married to a public figure and professional sports entertainer, and it does have its moments. Mark has appeared in rock videos, at rock festivals, and I used to love taking him to romance conventions.
He’s currently the Heavy Weight Champion of Monster Pro Wrestling (the belt weights a freaking tonne, too!) and tours all over Canada, wrestling in matches across the country.
Whenever he’s appearing in Edmonton, I go and watch the live show — not because I like wrestling. I was never a fan, but I’ve learned a great deal about the industry from Mark over the years, and I can deconstruct a match and critique a show and appreciate a good performance, these days. Plus, I have formed many friendships with wrestlers and industry insiders, too. So going to Edmonton shows means I can catch up with friends at the post-show gatherings.
There is a downside, of course.
The wrestling profession has a 100% injury rate. Wrestlers are guaranteed to be injured somewhere, sometime during their careers. Often more than once, and at least one injury will be serious. Most wrestlers hope their injuries will be light, temporary and non-disabling. Mark has already cracked ribs, he has a nagging problem with his neck, and his elbow constantly bothers him. Bruises, cuts and scrapes are par for the course.
There is more than one pro wrestler who has completely wrecked his body in the name of entertainment. Because of this fact, health insurance is impossible. There is only one company in the world that will insure a wrestler: Llloyds of London. Their premiums, of course, are astronomical. Well beyond the reach of any average wrestler.
Mark spends a lot of time on the road, away from home, driving to remote areas of the country for match bookings and shows. These are usually three or four day trips. As we only have one car in our household, I have no transport while he’s away. In the middle of winter, it can be a trying time.
Most especially, the hardest part of being married to a professional wrestler is watching the matches. Yes, wrestling is entertainment, and the matches are arranged for maximum impact on the audience, but those throws and holds aren’t faked. They’re hitting the mat for real. And injuries are real, too. If a wrestler is doing his job properly, then you have no idea if he’s really hurt, or just selling it well and Mark is a damned good wrestler.
So I have to sit there and watch Mark and the good guy beat the crap out of each other, completely in the dark about what’s going to happen next, whether he’s really injured or not, and how much he’s really hurting. And then there’s matches like the one last week, where there’s blood and pain.
I was lucky — because I was just out of hospital I didn’t get to see this match live. I couldn’t go to the arena.
I just got to see the photos.
Yep, being married to a professional wrestler makes life very interesting indeed.