This year’s Birthaversary party is over — and it was a great night, too. Some new faces, lots of familiar faces, and some really interesting conversation.
And this year, I got a birthday present!
Long story short: A few weeks ago on my private FB page, I shared NASA’s new Art Deco travel posters. They look just like the old 1950s travel posters, only they’re advertising interstellar destinations like Keplar and Mars. They’re very, very cool and I mentioned that I would love one of them for the wall above my desk.
My daughter’s boyfriend is in the graphic design business and has access to an oversized plotter (think “really big printer”)…and for my birthday he printed off all fourteen of the travel posters in huge 3 x 2 feet sizes! They’re gorgeous!!
I’ve put a couple here in tiny size on the post, but the original files that NASA has out are huge — ideal for doing exactly this, printing off big copies to frame.
They’re gorgeous hope you put the rest up at another time. Congratulations on Anniversary and Birthday. It looks like your wishes are coming true.
Hi Dina:
Yes, my wishes really are coming true. Now I’ve quit the day job, and writing IS my day job, I keep having to remind myself that yes, this is my real profession now! It doesn’t feel like work at all.
I will see if I can track down the images of all 14 posters and put them up one day. They’re fabulous!