…And I’m Gone Again.

I hadn’t planned it this way, But the timing sort of works well, except for the week of my site being down — so now it looks it bit like a down-up-down again thing.

But with everyone shooting off on summer vacations, and the Aspen pods thick in the air, it doesn’t feel like too much of an unheaval for me to take off for a month, either.

Things have cropped up for me, and I’m going to take a vacation of my own — a sabbatical from both blogging and writing.  I won’t go into too much detail now, but come August, I’ll be able to share some great details with you then.

I hope you get some downtime yourself.

See you in August.


2 thoughts on “…And I’m Gone Again.”

    1. Hi Naomi:

      Sorry for the delay in responding. The month off was a total month off from everything. 🙂

      More than happy to answer questions at any time. It was my pleasure.


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