Your Own Personal Bookshelf (This Is New)

If you’ve ever downloaded a book via Bookfunnel, including author giveaways, and any Book Promos or sales, it may have stymied you in the past when you tried to go back and get another copy. This is especially irksome if you’ve actually bought the book, and have to contact (say) me, to ask for a fresh copy.

Well, that problem is now gone.

BookFunnel have just set up a new feature: My BookFunnel.

Go to this link: (and bookmark it, too!).

The first time you access the page, you will be asked for your credentials.

After that, the page populates with any book you have ever downloaded from BookFunnel. Voila! You can download them again and again,

You can also delete them, if you want.

Plus, if you click on the three dots beneath the cover, then you have the option of reading them right there on-line, with BookFunnel’s inbuilt reader. No downloading required.

Best of all: If you’ve ever signed up for an author’s email list, and then missed the email with the download link for the free book/story/excerpt, then you don’t have to nag the author any more. The book will pop up on your BookFunnel shelf a few moments later, where you can download it for yourself.

It’s a super-useful feature. Check it out!



Take my stories on a test run.  4 full novels free.  Sign up below.

[More details here]

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