What I’m Reading – March 15, 2013

Oh, I’m so scrapped for reading time right now, it’s embarrassing.  I had lunch with another author yesterday and she asked me what I was reading right now.  I couldn’t think of a single title!  I get to read maybe a screen’s worth before I fall asleep at night.

But let’s see what I’ve got loaded to be read.  Wishful thinking…!

The_End_is_NighThe End is Nigh:  The Apolcalyptic Triptych

I love me some Science Fiction, especially apocolyptic stories – I think I got hooked when I was told to read The Chrysalids by John Wyndham, when I was in school.

This series sounded intriguing.  There will be three anthologies (hence the sub-title) – before the apocalypse, during the apocalypse and post-apocalypse.


eat-that-frogEat That Frog!: 21 Great Ways to Stop Procrastinating and Get More Done in Less Time

Brian Tracy

I think the title of this book pretty much speaks for itself.

I’m a huge fan of Brian Tracy and his very practical approach to discipline and self-mastery.  He’s also Canadian.  🙂


the_reality_dysfunction.large_The Reality Dysfunction (The Night’s Dawn)

Peter F. Hamilton

I loved, adored and actually read more than once, Peter F. Hamilton’s Commonwealth series, that starts with Pandora’s Star.  The epic scale, the breadth of the characters and the sheer, astonishing ideas in the series were fantasic, in every sense of the word.

The Night’s Dawn series is a much earlier series of his, that helped establish his name in epic space opera, which is probably my favourite sub-genre of the Science Fiction genre.   (If/when I write my first science fiction novel, it was most likely be a space opera.)

I haven’t started this one yet, but I’m looking forward to it.


smashingSmashing WordPress: Beyond the Blog

Thord Daniel Hedengren

If you read my post a few days ago, then this title shouldn’t be a huge surprise.

I’ve always taught myself any technical skills I need to maintain my site and for self-publishing, too.

This time around I was going to hire a designer to do the fancy stuff that I just haven’t got the time to brush up on (WordPress continually evolves).  I was, until I got a couple of quotes.  <gulp>  So I’m back to rebuilding the entire site on my own.

Books like this one are invaluable.
