What I’m Reading – June 14, 2013



Awaken the Giant Within

Anthony Robbins

I’ve nearly always got a self-improvement book on the go, but this one is an oddity — it was first published over twenty years ago, and the cultural references in it are a bit disconcerting.

But for all that, Anthony Robbins is one of the original motivation gurus (he apparently hates that title), and the book is a no-gimmicks back-to-basics grounding in positive thinking.

Mark picked up the paperback first — he has been watching Robbins on TED, and was inspired enough to buy one of his books.  Mark started talking about the book, so I bought the Kindle edition (because I really hate reading paperbacks that much these days, and because I didn’t want to wait for Mark to finish — the book has five hundred pages.)



I’ve been on a fiction spree lately:

Dirty Little Lies, Julie LetoJulie-Leto-DIRTY-LITTLE-LIES-cover-jpg1


devilsfire2_altThe Devil’s Fire, Matt Tomerlin


Breath of Scandal, Sandra Brownscandal


enigmaEnigma, Aimee Ash


London Twist, Barry Eisler0867 Barry Eisler ecover LONDON TWIST_7_S


And that’s it for this month…I’ve been a bit busy!
