What I’m Reading

I’m still on my health kick. Yes, it’s hanging in there.

grainbrainGrain Brain: The Surprising Truth about Wheat, Carbs, and Sugar–Your Brain’s Silent Killers

David Perlmutter, MD


There is more and more evidence building that grains are killing us. So is sugar.   This is just one more book by someone who should know what he’s talking about (he’s a neurologist), adding to the pile.

Some of what he talks about is genuinely scary. I was already off grains and weaning myself off sugar, but this pushed me well over the quit line.



Edward W. Robertson


I’ve been on a bit of a Science Fiction/SF Romance kick lately. I picked this one up for free on Amazon (it’s still free). It’s straight SF, but the story line is appealing: A man that has lived for thousands of years, from ancient times…. Gee, I wonder why I thought this might be a good book to read?

So far, so good.


bit literacyBit Literacy

Mark Hurst


Love or hate computers, these days you can’t avoid them. This book is one even I found useful, and I consider myself a power user. It gives you some useful ways to deal with technology in your life, and still have a life.
