Four days to Save.  Here’s the Deets.

So, finally, I can tell you about the big deal going down on Stories Rule Press.  It is, of course, and as you probably suspected, a Black Friday special. 

Here’s the details.

All the Super-Bundles on SRP will be 40% off from Black Friday to Cyber Monday

The Super-Bundles on Stories Rule Press are unique bundles not available anywhere else.

There is one Super-Bundle per SRP author.  My Super-Bundle on SRP includes every single story I’ve ever published.  All of them.  If I have the rights to them, and they’ve been published by me, then they’re in the bundle.

It’s 180 books (current count).

And it’s 40% off for the four Thanksgiving weekend days.

Super-Bundles are unique not just because they’re only available on Stories Rule Press.  They’re also special in that you don’t get every single story jammed into one massive file.

You get all the books as individual books.  These are the commercial releases.  They’re not stunted, edited or different in any way.  So when you load them all onto your reader, you’ll see all the covers as they appear on any retail store.

Plus, the books are delivered by BookFunnel, so that means that all the books will be included in your BookFunnel library at, where you can see them all, and download at your convenience.

This deal will not be repeated or extended.  It will run for the four days only, and then it’s done.

Also, the 40% discount applies to every author on Stories Rule Press:

Mark Posey — hardboiled crime thrillers and espionage.

Cameron Cooper — Space Opera and SF Crime & Mystery.

Taylen Carver — Urban Fantasy and Contemporary Fantasy.

But that’s not all.


All the Special Bundles on SRP will be discounted by 25% from Black Friday to Cyber Monday.

Similar to the Super-Bundles, SRP Special Bundles are themed bundles of full, retail books, that will be delivered by BookFunnel, or that you can download from your BookFunnel library.

For me, there are Special Bundles for every series and collection I’ve published.   If the series is still being written, then every book published so far is included in the bundle.  This includes origin stories and side stories that belong to the series.  If they’ve been published, they’re in the bundle.

So, for example, the Kiss Across Time series includes all 14 titles.  The historical romance series, Scandalous Sirens, includes the origins story, Lost at Sea, that readers usually have to sign up to my email list to acquire. 

And in my case, there is a “special” Special Bundle:  A collection of every paranmoral romance I’ve ever published.

For all the other authors at Stories Rule Press, there are special bundles of every series they have written or are writing, too.

You can use coupons and discounts.

If you have discount coupons for SRP, or if you have Reward Points from previous purchases, you can add them to the discount for a further reduction in price. 

Honestly, we couldn’t figure out a way to not allow coupons and reward points (we’re authors, not techies, Jim).  But, readers who aren’t already on our email lists and have already bought from us won’t have access to the coupons and reward points, so this turns out to be a nice bonus for you, our more loyal readers.

So have at it.  Use whatever codes and points you have.  And enjoy.  🙂

More Information about Super-Bundles and Special Bundles

You can find more information about the bundles on the Stories Rule Press site, here

There is also a list of all the Super-Bundles and Special Bundles for every author.

Here’s a quick list of MY Special Bundles.

Adelaide Becket – Historical Suspense Series

Beloved Bloody Time — Futuristic Time Trave Vampire Menage Series

Blood Stone — Vampire Paranormal Suspense Series

Destiny’s Trinities–Vampire Menage Paranormal Romance Series

The Endurance–Science Fiction Romance Series

Go Get ’em Women — Action-Adventure Romantic Suspense Collection

Interspace Origins–Science Fiction Romance Series

Once and Future Hearts — Historical Fantasy Romance Series

Project Kobra — Romantic Suspense Spy Thriller Series

Romantic Thrillers Collection — Romantic Suspense

Scandalous Families-The Victorians – Historical Romance Series

Scandalous Scions – Historical Romance Series

Scandalous Sirens — Historical Romance Series

Short Paranormal Collection–Paranormal Romance and Supernatural Tales

The Stonebrood Saga–Vampire Gargoyle Paranormal Romance Series

Vistaria Has Fallen — Military Romantic Suspense Series


Paranormal Romance Special Bundle

Watch for the emails on Friday

The deals are scheduled and will go live at one minute pst midnight MST, Friday, November 24th. 

And the deals will shut down at 11.59pm on Monday, November 27th, MST. 

On Friday, I will send a reminder email letting you know the deals are live. 

If you have any questions, fire away!

Scandalous Scions Box Four out soon!

Tracy Cooper-Posey
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