New Release

9.75 Years in the Making

Roll back to 2010 for a minute.  Can you remember what you were doing?  I can–in publishing terms, at least. Ellora’s Cave was in the early stages of its death rattles–things were pretty ugly. I was still working a day job and squeezing writing in on the side. The Amazon Kindle had been out for […]

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White Hot PNR Series Boxed Set Now Available on my site!

White Hot PNR Series Boxed Set Now Available on my site! Flesh + Blood, the Blood Stone series boxed set, is now available — on my site only, for now. Readers who pre-ordered the boxed set from me will have already received their copies (enjoy!) It is officially released everywhere else next Thursday, December 19th.

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First of The New Style Releases

First of The New Style Releases There are a lot of wholesale changes going on with my books at the moment. I’m trying to keep everyone up to date on this. A few days ago I outlined the shift to Kindle Unlimited, and what that means to you. Today’s release, Battle of Mount Badon, will

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…*made* it! (And why it isn’t “phew!”)

One of the benefits that the new world of indie publishing gives to you, as a reader, is not exactly obvious on the surface. You have to know a bit about the publishing world to realize how awesome and amazing indie publishing really is. So let me give you the nickel tour of one of

…*made* it! (And why it isn’t “phew!”) Read More »

A Volcano, A Revolution and A Romance

Love vampires, time travel and sexy menages? Have you delved into the Kiss Across Time series yet? I recently finished Kiss Across Blades, which is where, finally, I got back to telling more about Neven’s, London’s and Remi’s story. This time I ended up in historical territory I have been edging into across a few books

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A Heroine’s Journey

There’s something satisfying about a story that ends up back where it started, and you get to see how everything has actually changed as a result of the story itself. One of my favourite parts of Lord of the Rings is when all the hobbits return to the Shire. I love seeing how different they are, how

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We’re Getting Close To The End…

I just returned from Calgary a few days ago, where I attended the When Words Collide conference. It’s my third year, and I did a lot of running around, participating in panels and conducting workshops. I made a rather large ooops, though. I left my flat shoes at home. Which wouldn’t be such a great deal, I guess,

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With Just Your Mouth…

You can buy Inside Man direct from me, or from your favourite bookseller. Cheers, [fusion_separator style_type=”shadow” hide_on_mobile=”small-visibility,medium-visibility,large-visibility” class=”” id=”” sep_color=”#000000″ top_margin=”” bottom_margin=”” border_size=”” icon=”” icon_circle=”” icon_circle_color=”” width=”” alignment=”center” /] here Massive 100th Book Giveaway! 124 prizes worth a total of $2,650, and everyone who enters gets a gift. Enter here. [Ends July 24th, 2019]

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And The 100th Book Is Officially Released: INSIDE MAN

And The 100th Book Is Officially Released INSIDE MAN There has been a lot of hullabaloo about this release, mainly centered around the huge sweepstakes associated with it (which are closed now, sorry!).  A bit later today I will be announcing the winners here on the blog. Right now, though, I’m actually announcing the release

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