Last week I asked the readers of my newsletter about print editions — did they like them, did they prefer them?
The ensuing discussion on Facebook was lively and opinion was split nearly evenly both ways. Some readers can’t stand print. Others love their physical books.
Way, way back in 2007 I posted an article on the “Advantages And Drawbacks Of Both Paper And Pixel Books“. I was already an ebook convert even then and nothing has changed my opinion since. The article is still relevant, though. It’s as even-handed a breakdown of pros and cons as I could manage.
The one thing that has changed since that article came out is the number of readers who now agree with me. (yay!) The discussion on Facebook and the many private emails I received confirmed in my mind that Romanceland is on a cusp. There are as many readers who prefer ebooks as there are readers who prefer print. Soon, I suspect, the trend will start rolling down the other side of the curve and more readers will read only ebooks, ever.
If you’d like to add your opinion, feel free to comment here or on the Facebook post!
And one more article has now joined the collection.
Pixel more compact more books, more reading. Save the paper world too…
Hi Heather —
I am pixel-only myself. It makes life far more convenient!