The Third King Arthur Romance Is Now Available On Amazon

Way back when mapmakers were first starting to document the shape of the world, when they reached an area on the map that wasn’t known, they frequently put comments like “here be dragons.”

As most of the books in the Once and Future Hearts series deal with members of the Pendragon family, the dragons are in the known areas of the world, not the unknown parts.

I had an email from a reader who reads on her cell phone. (So do I!) She mentioned that, while she loves the maps in Dragon Kin, it’s a a pain to flip back to check a map, when she’s 100 pages or more into the story.

Most of today’s eReaders and reading apps will bookmark where you were last up to. However, I still agree that it’s a bit of a pain to have to go back and forth.

Some readers put a bookmark on the maps page within the book, and carefully bookmark where they are before flipping back to check the map. It’s one way to do it, especially if you’re using a dedicated reader.

If you are using a Kindle fire, or some other tablet or cell phone, or even reading on your desktop, there is another way.

In addition, sometimes the maps don’t show up in readers. I have yet to figure out why some people can see them and others can’t. Also, sometimes the maps show up when the book has been reloaded by the same reader.

Don’t you just love technology?

So I thought up a solution.

My solution was to upload the maps to my site, giving them a special page connected to the series.

That means, that once you have bookmarked the page, and opened a map you’re interested in, you can leave it open, then just switch over to your reading app to continue reading the book. No moving around the book to find the map. No disappearing maps.

The page for the maps is here.

Pendragon Rises, the third book in the Once And Future Hearts series, is now available on Amazon for pre-order, as well as all the other bookseller sites.  Closer to the release date, I will put maps for this book up on the map page, too.

When you preorder directly from me, you get to the book a week earlier than you would at any of the other booksellers sites.

The preorder price of $2.99 will only remain for a few days after the release date.

Click here to check out Pendragon Rises, including an excerpt, and buy links.



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Tracy Cooper-Posey
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