More on Kiss Across Deserts

kiss-across-deserts-web-copySo, more good news.

The new writing schedule is total bliss for me.  I’m rolling in stories all day — I’m writing one, at the same time I’m plotting another one, at the same time I’m doing all the production work on any others that have been both plotting and written.  Production work is all the behind the scenes stuff: getting covers done, building print editions, editing, and a long, long checklist of stuff that all has to be taken care of.

Because the new schedule is working so well, I’ve been able to pull together all the vital ingredients…well, to cut a long story short:  Kiss Across Deserts goes on pre-sale this Friday!

Stay tuned.  There’ll be more on this.


Not familiar with the series?  Find out more here.

Kiss Across Time, the first book in the series, is free.
Click here to get download information.