EVA’S LAST DANCE – Author’s Edition – Now Out

Eva's Last Dance, Tracy Cooper-Posey, vampire romance, vampire, romance, romance story, erotica, erotic romance, paranormal romance, demon hunter, gargoyle, indie author, short story,

My short erotic vampire romance, Eva’s Last Dance, has just been re-released, on Amazon, Smashwords and All Romance eBooks, which means it will eventually make its way to Barnes & Noble, Apple, Kobo, Sony, et al.  This is the second edition — my Author’s Edition.  It was first released under the Teal Ceagh pen name at Ellora’s Cave.

I’ve repackaged it and dropped the price to $1.99 as this is a short(ish) story.  It’s fifty pages long, so you’re not going to read it in five minutes, but if you settle in with a coffee and a treat, you’ll be done in an hour.

Enjoy your hour!


Nearly one hundred years after their last dance together Eva’s long lost love, Edward, makes contact again.  Eva—lonely and a vampire now—can’t resist falling into his arm and under his erotic spell.  She’ll do anything he asks of her now.

Then the spell is rudely interrupted by human demon hunter Ryan Jefferson, who is on the trail of an incubus.  He sets out to seduce Eva properly in a searing night of dance and passion.

This dance counts in more ways than one…
