My Books

I’m at Fiction Vixen Today

The very last stop on my blog tour for my erotic urban fantasy romance, Blood Knot, is today. I’m guest blogging at Fiction Vixen, with a post called “Avoiding Detection One Meeting At A Time”. I’ll also be giving away another copy of Kiss Across Swords to a visitor. Stop in and say hello and catch […]

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Working Notes – April 27

I’m still working hard on my next book, the paranormal romance, Branded Rose. I was sidetracked for a while by the launch of Fatal Wild Child. The book is becoming epic, one of those huge scale, sprawling intricate universe things.  I confess I’m loving all the world building going on, too.  It’s coming together like Leggo,

Working Notes – April 27 Read More »

Blood Knot Now Out In Print

Some quick housekeeping notes. 1.  Blood Knot, my erotic MMF urban fantasy romance, has just been released in print and is available on Amazon for $11.97.  As the distribution system slowly trickles down, it will become available at other stores like Barnes & Noble, etc — I’ll report on them and add their links to Blood

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I’m at Escape Between The Pages Today

The blog tour for my erotic urban fantasy romance, Blood Knot, continues today. I’m guest blogging at Escape Between The Pages, with a post called “Callouses For Thousands of Years”. I’ll also be giving away another copy of Kiss Across Swords to a visitor. Stop in and say hello and catch up with the next installment of

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I’m at Sensual Reads Today

The blog tour for my erotic urban fantasy romance, Blood Knot, continues today. I’m guest blogging at Sensual Reads, where I’m talking about the fundamental building blocks of urban fantasy romance. I’ll also be giving away another copy of Kiss Across Swords to a visitor. Stop in and say hello and catch up with the next installment of

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I’m at the Bookish Snob Today…and Sarah McNeal Joins Us Next Monday

The blog tour for my erotic urban fantasy romance, Blood Knot,continues today.  I’m guest blogging at The Bookish Snob, with a post entitled “The Buffet That Is Romance and How You Can Eat From It All”. I’ll also be giving away another copy of Kiss Across Swords to a visitor. And while I have your attention, paranormal romance

I’m at the Bookish Snob Today…and Sarah McNeal Joins Us Next Monday Read More »

FATAL WILD CHILD is now released!

My first non-erotic romantic suspense in quite a while, Fatal Wild Child, just went up onto Amazon, All Romance Ebooks, and Smashwords yesterday.  So it’s officially released now. One of the things I’m finding different about self-publishing (unlike legacy publishing) is that there’s no such thing as a cast-iron release date.  I can point to

FATAL WILD CHILD is now released! Read More »

Just An Old Fashioned Geek

Today I’m taking part in An Alternative Read’s Author Blog Hop, as part of my Blood Knot tour. The question all the authors participating in the hop are answer is:  What software and applications help you write your masterpieces?  What do you wish you could afford?  What do you regret buying?  And what ebook reader

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I’m at Coffeetime Romance Today

The blog tour for my erotic urban fantasy romance, Blood Knot, continues today. I’m guest blogging at Coffetime Romance’s blog, where I’m talking about flatiron buildings. I’ll also be giving away another copy of Kiss Across Swords to a visitor. Stop in and say hello and catch up with the next installment of the excerpts. See you there!

I’m at Coffeetime Romance Today Read More »

I’m at Nina Pierce’s Place Today

The blog tour for my erotic urban fantasy romance, Blood Knot, continues today.  I’m guest blogging at Nina Pierce’s blog, Around The Writer’s Block.  Today’s topic is “Smell The Coffee?  What About That Turkey Stuffing?”  And if that leaves you scratching your head, then all I can say is drop in and read the post.  <grin> I’ll also

I’m at Nina Pierce’s Place Today Read More »

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