Three Months…Three Releases

Pageflex Persona [document: PRS0000026_00025]I’ve been waiting for this for a very long time.  Years, in fact.

Finally, on May 1, 2013, I get to release the vampire menage time travel romance series, Kiss Across Time, under my own name.  Then I can pick up the story reins once more and finish the series.  I’ve only been waiting since October 2010 to do that.

This is my favourite series of all my series, and the central characters are my favourite characters of all time out of all the characters and heroes I have ever created — particularly Veris and Brody, the two heroes.  I can’t tell you why these two out of all the delicious heroes I’ve invented are the ones I most love to spend time with, but it might have something to do with the fact that I have spent the most story time with them.  They have been the central characters in two full length novels, and (now) one short novel, along with all the necessary planning, dreaming and thinking that goes into the building of a novel series of this type.  I have bled, wept and celebrated with them.

Dar Albert of Wicked Smart Designs has dreamed up some equally enticing and beautiful covers to go with the first three books.

The first book of the series, which used to be a short story, has been extended and expanded and is now a short novel.  Kiss Across Time will be released on May 1, and I will be doing a short blog tour to celebrate.

A single kiss can change more than one life…or two.

Taylor Yates is fired for insisting the 5th Century Arthurian poet, Inigo Domhnall, existed. When she hears Domhnall’s lyrics in a death metal song, she engineers a meeting with lead singer, Brody Gallagher. An unintended kiss sends them spinning back to the poet’s time, when Saxons were pillaging King Arthur’s Britain.

Kiss Across Swords by Tracy Cooper-PoseyBrody’s all for kissing her again.  More, he wants her to kiss his friend and lover, Veris, to see what will happen.  When Veris’ kiss sends them back to the time of the Vikings neither man is willing to let Taylor simply walk out of their lives.

But Brody and Veris are more than lovers and sexual playmates, as Taylor learns when they investigate the kisses that send them across time.  The secrets they share have the power to completely alter her life.

The second book in the series is a full length novel.  Kiss Across Swords is one of my favourite novels of all time, and will be released on June 1.  I will be doing another short tour to celebrate that release, too.

To save them all they must win back one reluctant heart…again.

Taylor Yates never dreamed growing up she would end up happily living with two drop-dead sexy vampires and time-hopping through their thousand years of personal history. Her life is complete…or is it?

When she finds herself at the seige of Jerusalem during the first crusade, Veris doesn’t know her at all and doesn’t want to. Worst of all, he and Brody are total strangers, and Taylor drives a wedge in deep between them by trying to seduce Veris at their first meeting—not something a lady of the day does if she wants to keep her head.

Taylor and Brody must woo Veris using the customs of medieval England, win his heart and his full commitment before Jerusalem falls in four days time—or when they return to their own time, their lives as they know them will be gone…

Kiss Across Chains by Tracy Cooper-PoseyThen, on July 1, I will be releasing the third book in the series.  Kiss Across Chains is brand new, never been released, and its release date will be celebrated with a bigger tour and a launch party — more details closer to the date.

When dying becomes an act of love.

It is four years since Taylor and Brody almost lost Veris during the First Crusade. Now they know how to control time jumps, they have settled into a very nearly perfect, nearly human life, raising their daughter Marit.

When Brody defies Queen Tira to protect Marit, the three of them jump back three days in time to collect evidence the queen set up Brody for a drug bust in retribution.  The jump sends them back to Brody’s personal nightmare:  Fifth century Constantinople.

While Brody survives as a flogged slave, Taylor masquerades as the wife of an aristocrat and searches for Brody to release him.  They must wait for Veris to find them before jumping home and Taylor watches each brutal chariot race, wondering if this will be Brody’s last.  Brody once died in the Hippodrome and he is human this time, too….

There is a series page already set up, with links to each individual book page.  Don’t forget, too, that if you’d like to be reminded of when these books are released, you can subscribe to the New Releases list and get a notice in your email.

2 thoughts on “Three Months…Three Releases”

    1. Thanks, Anny! I think they do, too, but as I’ve already explained, I’m 100% totally biased about this particular series. 🙂

      I’m so thrilled I’m finally getting to release it (again/finally) — I’m having so much fun writing the third book — I’ve been fantasizing about it for two years at least.


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