Post Christmas Update

Well, I didn’t smash any land-speed records, or break any vital bones, but this Christmas was remarkable because it wasn’t remarkable.  Peace reigned in our household, there was no stress about dinner, and a good time was had by all.

Oh, and I got one present I craved:  The complete archived set of 158 issues of Threads.  That takes it back to the late 1980’s, and some of the fashions back then…hmmm.  Check this one out (right).  The big hair, the even bigger sleeves, the bowtie shirt and velvet gathered skirt.  All very structured and not a knit or stretch fabric in sight.

I also got a present I didn’t even know I craved:  Tickets to the Roger Waters The Wall concert.  I went to the Pink Floyd The Wall concert in Perth, Western Australia, back in the nineties, when the actual wall came down (the Berlin Wall), so this will be a sentimental reunion for me — especially as I’m going with my son, who gave me my beloved Wall belt buckle, and the tickets, too.

Just being able to relax for five days is sheer joy!  I’m madly writing blog posts and catching up on writing fiction, too.  Stay tuned.  Good things in store.

So what about you?  What did you get?  What you wanted?  Lots of books?  A reader?  Tell!