Search Results for: pulse pause moment

Pulse Pause Moments – Castle & Beckett

I’m having a wild fling with Castle at the moment, so it’s natural that my mind instantly turns to this pulse pause moment I saw in a Season 3.  I spoke about my temporary love affair with the show recently. I can’t explain the photo or the moment without laying down minor spoilers for the […]

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Damned Good Romances V – Heart Stopping Moments

This post is part of a series. Part 1: Damn Good Romances Part II: Romantic Tension Part III: Romantic Conflict Part IV: Emotional Intensity Part V: Heart-Stopping Moments Part VI: Uncertainty of Outcome Part VII: Moment of Ultimate Vulnerability Part VIII: Happy Ever After…For Now _____________ Heart-Stopping Moments Heart stopping moments in romance novels are

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MM and MMF – Let’s Try Again. Why Do Women Like Men Who Like Men?

MM and MMF – Let’s Try Again. Why Do Women Like Men Who Like Men? It shouldn’t be a surprise that some readers struggle with the idea of male-on-male (MM) romance or male-male-female (MMF) action inside their erotic romance novels. I got this note from Christine on Facebook, and she graciously allowed me to quote

MM and MMF – Let’s Try Again. Why Do Women Like Men Who Like Men? Read More »

Sexy Lips on Men…Revisited.

I’m sure this has happened to you.  You’re having a conversation with friends and everyone is chatting happily, the topics keep moving around, then you happen to say something that you think is completely innocuous. Suddenly, conversation stops and you can hear crickets chirping.  Everyone is looking at you and you can feel yourself mentally

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MM and MMF – Let’s Try Again. Why Do Women Like Men Who Like Men?

MM and MMF – Let’s Try Again. Why Do Women Like Men Who Like Men? It shouldn’t be a surprise that some readers struggle with the idea of male-on-male (MM) romance or male-male-female (MMF) action inside their erotic romance novels. I got this note from Christine on Facebook, and she graciously allowed me to quote

MM and MMF – Let’s Try Again. Why Do Women Like Men Who Like Men? Read More »

Articles for Readers

ARTICLES FOR READERS The old site had hundreds of articles on it.  We’ve preserved them on a hard drive and I will be gradually adding them back onto this site, once they’ve been updated, or once I’ve annotated them — some of them are getting old!   But there’s still good stuff in those articles that

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Pulse Pause Moments – Colin Farrell Have you ever noticed how some actors float around the edges of movieland, doing bits here and there, and then suddenly hit a groove and start pumping out movie after movie? Colin Farrell is one of those actors. He’s been a star for years, but the roles he’s played

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Pulse Pause Moments: Sherlock. No, not that one, the other one! There have been a few TV series that I’ve resisted watching for a number of reasons – most of those reasons have been petty princess objections to something or other. Occasionally, I’ve ended up watching the series anyway, much later than anyone else, and

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Camelot – The Once and Future King Strides On

I swear I have raved about Camelot before now, but try as I might, I can’t find the post or the article on the site.  There are over 350 pages here, so maybe it’s hiding somewhere I can’t dig up even with Google’s advanced search engine…or maybe, when I was forced to stop blogging during

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