Friday’s Mash – January 3, 2014

Wow, it’s been months since I did a mash!

Goodies I’ve found from chatting, cruising and working (not so) lately:


The Readers Sound Off

A readers’ reading habits survey.  Some interesting stuff, especially the ratio of readers who use brick & mortar stores now (58% surveyed haven’t stepped foot in one for over a year).


Did a writer get bullied?

Controversial post about a newbie writer who claims she got death threats from reviewers on Goodreads.


Stop the GR Bullies

Also highly controversial — the titles says it all.  Still, it’s like watching a car wreck…you can’t look away.


The Zen of Crappy Reviews

My Indie Author post for December on Night Owl Reviews.


Boost Your Sales for Christmas

My Indie Author post for November on Night Owl Reviews.  (Told you it had been a while since I did a mash!)


Learn The 78 Tarot Cards in Two Hours

Tarot is one of my personal indulgences.  Fascinating stuff.


Have a great weekend!