
24 Science Fiction Romance Authors and Why They Write SFR.

  Because SFR is such a new genre, the answer to what SFR actually is constantly shifts.  Some indie authors who write really good SFR put themselves in the Science Fiction category, while some authors who write science fiction with a romantic subplot think SFR is fair game and jump into the pond. Readers are also divided […]

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Roundup: Time Travel

January is Time Travel month here on the blog, which mysteriously coincides with the release of Celtic Crossing in a couple of weeks – book 5 and the last book in the Beloved Bloody Time series. I thought I would bring forward some of the time travel posts I’ve written over the years, to whet your

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Holiday Gifts for Romance Lovers

It’s that time of year!  I’m feeling the spirit now because I’ve got all my shopping done.  If you’re still looking for inspiration and last minute gifts for other romance readers, browse through these ideas: A Romance Novel Coloring Book: Coloring Pages Inspired By Romance Novel Covers (Volume 1) [link] If you or your gift

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Picture Him…

Recently, I received an email from a reader, Wen, who said in part: I hate myself in pictures, specially where I have to pose but be natural WTH!!! But I have learned that selfies are more benevolent with me 🙂 Video? No way Jose!!! About questions… I was the student who almost never asked questions

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Happy Canada Day!

For anyone reading this who is located north of the 48th parallel in North America, have a great Canada Day! I hope you have great weather where you are, and are enjoying a well deserved day off. I’m off from the day job, but will be burning up calories with all my other passions and

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Time Travels – A Cheat’s Way Of Sneaking In The Unpopular Eras

Time Travels – A Cheat’s Way Of Sneaking In The Unpopular Eras Everyone keeps saying the historical romance market is dead.  Yet despite the industry’s attempts to bury it, readers keep insisting it’s still alive by snapping up copies of any title a brave and solo publisher dares to put on the market, thereby showing

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On The Road: You Gotta Read Reviews

On the continuing book tour for Kiss Across Chains, today I’m being interviewed at You Gotta Read Reviews — a new site for me (you, too?) Come check the place out! Don’t forget to (re)enter the big book tour contest — lots of prizes! 1) $30 Amazon gift certificate 2) $15 Amazon gift certificate 3)

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My Life/Working Notes – Wednesday, May 29, 2013

Happy Hump Day! From one perspective, May has been a long, hard month. On the other hand, I’m kinda reluctant to let it go, because I have to let go of my favourite series at the same time, and move on to something else. I’ve written at length about my withdrawals symptoms over Kiss Across

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