Reader Resources

What I’m Reading – April 17, 2015

Lots more fiction this month! I’m really rolling around in the stuff and having a whale of a time. The Dragonriders of Pern: Dragonflight, Dragonquest, and The White Dragon Anne McCaffrey I read these three books when I was still in high school, and they grabbed me hard. I didn’t read them again for years […]

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What I’m Reading

I’m still on my health kick. Yes, it’s hanging in there. Grain Brain: The Surprising Truth about Wheat, Carbs, and Sugar–Your Brain’s Silent Killers David Perlmutter, MD Link There is more and more evidence building that grains are killing us. So is sugar.   This is just one more book by someone who should know what

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What I’m Reading – December 2014

Oh, I’ve had so much fun this month. I’ve been reading stories! Yes, fiction! Romantic fiction at that, too! Transgression (City of God series) R.S. Ingermanson Link This is a time travel novel that falls under the science fiction genre rather than the romance genre (the two most common parent categories for time travels). I

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What I’m Reading

We’re in the dog days of renovations at the moment – I don’t get to read much at all, except for odd nights when we just can’t move anymore, and we go to bed early to read. (Translation: stare at the book for thirty seconds while the words blur, then wake up a few hours

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The New Free, In Newsletter Form – Buck Books

There’s a new newsletter in town.  This one has a twist.  All the books listed in it are only 99¢.  Their motto is “Never pay more than a buck for a book ever again!“. And one more twist:   They’re all non-fiction, self-help, inspirational and motivational books…except for Fridays, when dollar-only novels are listed. If you

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