what I’m Reading

What I’m Reading

I’m still on my health kick. Yes, it’s hanging in there. Grain Brain: The Surprising Truth about Wheat, Carbs, and Sugar–Your Brain’s Silent Killers David Perlmutter, MD Link There is more and more evidence building that grains are killing us. So is sugar.   This is just one more book by someone who should know what […]

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What I’m Reading – June 14, 2013

  Awaken the Giant Within Anthony Robbins I’ve nearly always got a self-improvement book on the go, but this one is an oddity — it was first published over twenty years ago, and the cultural references in it are a bit disconcerting. But for all that, Anthony Robbins is one of the original motivation gurus

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Pulse Pause Moments – Bad Form, Russian Style

I like to do Pulse Pause posts about once a month or so, and there’s usually no shortage of knee-weakening material around.  I’ve always got some sort of hero of the hour I’m currently drooling over, that I can talk about, post pictures about, and write scads about how he (they) have this ability to

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Working Notes – What I’m Reading – February 13

What I’m listening to, actually.  Unusual, for me, I know.  Mark is a huge TED Talks fan, and if he watches a particularly good one, he’ll grab me by the elbow, nail me to the floor for the ten or twelve minutes the talk lasts, and make me keep still long enough to watch it. 

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