Just Slightly Off Topic

I *Was* Going to Rant…

I sometimes feel that I’m very much behind a lot of cultural shifts and trends — I hear about them years after they’ve got rolling. But there’s an advantage in that: I only spend attention bandwidth on events and phenomena that look like they’re going to stick around. Like the recent wild bear/strange man in […]

I *Was* Going to Rant… Read More »

Because You Haven’t Got Enough To Do….

Rubik’s Cube became super popular when I was in high school and I drove my parents crazy for weeks until they bought me one.  It seemed like everyone in school was carrying one around, trying to solve them. My brother, who was mentally disabled, proved he wasn’t that challenged when he creatively peeled off all

Because You Haven’t Got Enough To Do…. Read More »

James Cameron Paid for Research to Prove Jack Wouldn’t Have Survived

For the four people on the planet who haven’t seen Titanic, there are spoilers coming up. For romance lovers, it’s probably one of the more jarring notes in the movie Titanic when Jack and Rose both try to climb onto the floating door, only to nearly capsize it.  So Jack hangs off the edge, instead,

James Cameron Paid for Research to Prove Jack Wouldn’t Have Survived Read More »

What do you do when the creators of your favorite stories misbehave?

When The Mists of Avalon came out in 1982, I was right there at the bookstore to grab my copy.  A story about King Arthur?  Count me in.  I read the book, loved it, and put it on my keeper shelf.  There was a TV mini series made of the book and I watched that,

What do you do when the creators of your favorite stories misbehave? Read More »

Call of the Void – A Writer’s Mind At Work

What do you feel when you look at photos like this? What about when you’re on high balconies? Heights of any kind? Do you get the strange sensation that you could just…jump? Even if you’re not in the slightest suicidal? That sensation is so common, it has a name. The French call it l’appel du

Call of the Void – A Writer’s Mind At Work Read More »

Why was Fighting With the Left Hand So Dishonorable?

Hi guys: I got a question from a reader this morning, and my answer was long (because anything historical automatically becomes complicated).  If you’ve read the Once and Future Hearts series, you might also be interested in the answer, so here it is. I have a question: why was switching sword/knife hands during battle considered

Why was Fighting With the Left Hand So Dishonorable? Read More »