Just Slightly Off Topic

Today is National Chocolate Cake Day.

I’m stretching the fact just a touch.  It’s actually only National Chocolate Cake Day in the United States, but c’mon…!  It’s chocolate cake.  Do you need a better excuse than someone, somewhere made a national day out of it? And to celebrate the day, I’m posting here my mother-in-law’s chocolate cake recipe, which is simple and […]

Today is National Chocolate Cake Day. Read More »

A Gift Idea for the Impossible-to-Buy-For Person In Your Life

When I first started writing for Ellora’s Cave, way back when, the covers they gave me for my books sucked like a vacuum. I’m not being mean. They really did suck.  In those days, the new electronic publishing industry didn’t understand how critical covers were for readers. Although I cringe to do this, I am going

A Gift Idea for the Impossible-to-Buy-For Person In Your Life Read More »

Western Australia Day

Another anniversary date I didn’t want to omit acknowledging. Western Australia Day was called Foundation Day when I was a kid, and we always had special assemblies on the day.  The name was changed to Western Australian day in the 1990s, after I left Australia, as the old name had come to be considered insensitive

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You THINK You Know Someone…

This weird little factoid made me pause: Abraham Lincoln is in the National Wrestling Hall of Fame, because he only lost once in over 300 matches. Wow. Commenting as a non-American, I have to say that is not the usual image of Abraham Lincoln that seeps across the national borders.  The man clearly had dimensions.

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This Will Horrify You. Guaranteed.

Sorry about the click-bait headline.  I usually don’t resort to them but in this case it’s absolutely justified and I promise to deliver. In full. We’re always weeks behind the rest of the world in our TV viewing.  So it has taken us a while to get around to watching Planet Earth II by the BBC,

This Will Horrify You. Guaranteed. Read More »

A New Skill Set to Make Life Interesting.

I love cracking open a new program and getting to know it.  Playing around with the buttons and menus and figuring out how to get the program to do what I want is enormous fun.  It scratches my curiousity bump and taps my creativity in completely different ways from story-telling. Most people I know can

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The Prettiest Bookstore In the World.

Not only is the Grand Splendid bookstore in Argentina the most beautiful bookstore in the world, it also comes with a one hundred year old history that just adds to its charm. The building was opened in 1912 as a theatre, but the theatre seating was removed and the theatre converted into a bookstore in

The Prettiest Bookstore In the World. Read More »

Do You Avoid Books With Certain Covers?

Author Catherine McKenzie ranted a few days ago about covers on books, in her post “Why Do Books Written by Women Get Such Audience-Limiting Covers?“.  The post was written primarily for authors, and in it she proposes that, as the title suggests, women authors’ book covers are designed in such a way that tags them

Do You Avoid Books With Certain Covers? Read More »

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