Love your SFR?
I tripped over a post on Amazon Stories the other day; “10 Science Fiction Romance Novels with Four Armed Heroes“. I had to stop and re-read the headline. Twice.
Four arms???
I’m shaking my head a bit as I write this, still, because I keep learning about new niche and micro-niche romance sub-genres that have apparently been around for a few years (as there’s a ton of books already released in them), that I, a professional romance writer, have never heard of before.
But that’s how big Romancelandia is. There are section of the map that are being redrawn, developed and opened up every day.
It takes serious work to stay on top of all the new niches.
Four armed SFR heroes is a new one for me. And honestly, I don’t think I will be reading or writing one of these in the near future.
On the surface, it doesn’t hold any appeal for me at all, because the only reason I can think of for featuring a four-armed hero is to enhance the sex scenes.
And that’s…well, call me old-fashoined (or just “old” will fit, too! LOL!), but I’d rather have four arms providing the heroine with pleasure that come from two heroes. Not one.
But I’d thought that I’d draw your attention to this new-ish category, because half the fun of reading is dipping into something new and a little bit different and trying it on for size.
If the four arm thing doesn’t turn you off, you may have a new favourite sub-genre to explore. Start with the article, above, which will give you some authors to explore.