BLOOD KNOT Review and Ranking on Amazon. Yeah, I’m still catching up…

I know I said I was back, last post, but I had no idea what a massive liar I was, at the time.

Yeah, I was back in Canada — physically.  As for actually being back in control of my life, all the strings in my hand, all lights green, ready to rock on…hollow laugh.

Scooping out a whole month of your life, when your life was really three major roles all squeezed into one person’s space, comes at a price. I’ve discovered this the hard way these last few weeks, as I’ve patiently tried to unsnarl the tangle of emails, bills, mail, and outright confusion that built up while I was away despite my very best efforts to anticipate and deal with everything while I was gone.

But I’m starting to see light at the end of the tunnel and today I think I was rewarded a little for slogging it out.  Blood Knot, despite my ignoring it for the last few weeks, suddenly shot way, way, way up into the ranks of the ethereal 17,000’s today on Amazon.  On top of that, I discovered that it has also been listed at #265 (just after Christine Feehan) on Amazon’s most popular Vampire Romance list.

This last one stuns me.  Considering the number of vampire romances out there, to be ranked at #265 is amazing!

On top of that, Blood Knot just received the most wonderful 5-star review from The Romance Studio:

“This is one of those hidden gems in the self-publishing world. I haven’t read a better love story than Blood Knot in a very long time.

All three characters are totally unique, not just individuals within the story but as paranormals as well. Blood Knot is not your typical vampire novel or even a typical ménage. The author makes the characters very real. As their unique connection to one another grows and changes, you see them for the individuals they really are. Winter isn’t what most people would define as human. Sebastian isn’t a vampire anymore, but he’s not quite human either. Nathanial comes into their lives for his own reasons but he ties them together in ways you’ll never expect. It would take me a book just to say all I like about these wonderful characters, but I would give too much away and I want you to read the book and enjoy it as much as I did. I have read other books by Tracy Cooper-Posey but I think this one is her best so far. Don’t miss it.”

You can read the full review by Kathy F. here and I’ve also dropped a copy onto the book’s page on my site and a quote on Amazon.

I’ll be trying to post here a bit more frequently from now on!



2 thoughts on “BLOOD KNOT Review and Ranking on Amazon. Yeah, I’m still catching up…”

  1. Hi Tracy,

    Great to hear from you, and fabulous news about Blood Knot. Totally deserving of it’s ranking and wonderful reviews, and is one of my favorite vampires romances too. Hope the worst is behind you and July is a great month for you.

    1. Hi Cathy:

      Thanks, and I hope so, too! Let’s see what happens. Can you believe 2011 is half-done, already? Wow!



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